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Mark Thompson Director General of the BBC - Lives in fantasy land.

Mark Thompson, the Director General of the BBC, tonight warned broadcasters against becoming overly-cautious in their reporting on Islam for fear of causing offence to Muslims.

Speaking at Westminster Cathedral Mr Thompson, a practising Catholic, said there was “a growing nervousness about discussion about Islam and its relationship to the traditions and values of British and Western society as a whole”.

**So would that be the same BBC that still refuses to release the Balan report into bias against Israel in its reporting, would that be the same BBC that actually went to court to ensure that report was buried, would that be the same state funded BBC that used taxpayers money to fund the court case?

Would that be the same BBC that has repeated glossed over the SIOE demos against the islamic expansion in Europe, the same BBC that covers moslem terror attacks in a mealy mouthed way without any mention of the word Islam.

Would that be the same BBC that refuses to call terrorists exactly that for fear of offending moslems, would that be the same BBC that has refused to show either the Muhammad cartoons or show Fitna?

Maybe if Mark Thompson can look and honestly answer all these points on a point by point basis I and the rest of the populace might not consider the BBC to be the British Leyland of broadcasting, a bloated, biased monster that fails to report news impartially as it claims.Some links on BBC fuckwittery, first up the ban on the word faggot in the Pogues song Fairytale of New York, as detailed on their website here. Then about 24 hours later they climbed down and decided that the word faggot was okay again. A humiliating climbdown.

That would be the same BBC that after deciding to slash thousands of jobs wasted £120,000 on "free" food and drinks for 4000 BBC staff. Oh thats free food and drinks all paid for from the license tax link

That would be the same BBC who took terrorists paintballing - From Biased BBC - BBC "took terrorist trainers paintballing"

That would be the BBC that fixes competitions, like this oh and the by now infamous Blue Peter competition fix.

That would be the same BBC that sends its staff on a mandatory new training programme to teach honesty to BBC staff: link.

That would be the same BBC that has failed to promote proper debate on major political issues because of the inherent liberal culture of its staff, a report commissioned by the corporation has concluded: link

That would be the same BBC that employs people from terrorist channel Al Jazeera...link

That would be the same BBC who apologized to the Taliban terriorist scumfucks: link

That would be the same BBC that claims terrorists are an urban myth created by the jews and JW Bush...link

BBC offers aid and moral support to Taliban terrorists, claim that no army is as mobile as them: Link

That would be the same BBC that lies about casualty figures in the Lebanon: Link

That would be the same BBC offering support to Palestinian terrorist scum: link

That would be the same BBC who went to court to suppress the Balen Report on BBC bias with regards their coverage of the middle east.

Here is a new motto for the BBC, as used previously by a Mr A Hitler: "Die Breite masse eines volkes fallt einer grosse luge leichter zum opfer als einer kleinen", which roughly means, "the broad mass of the people will fall victim more easily to a big lie than a small one "

A little tune on the license tax. http://homepage.ntlworld.com/seb.hunt/

Some bits on the report the BBC don't want us to read on the Balen report and its Jew hating attitude: honestreporting and pressgazette and wikipedia and guardian



3 people have spoken:

MathewK said...

Make that a 'taxpayer funded' fantasy land. I yearn for the day when you lot are free of these parasites, when they have to earn their wages. Keep up the good fight.

Anonymous said...

BBC = Nu Labour = Julia Middleton = 8500, Nu Labour quangos since 1997, put into place by Middleton = Common Practice = Communist Scum = Political Correctness = outright appeasers to all except their own peoples = Cowardly Liberals = No idea how to solve the growing Islamic monster what-so-ever. = Bury their worthless heads in the sand, and hope that the problem goes away....

All above links = complete sell-out to the indigenous British population by Marxist loving filth...

And how will the problem be solved in the future?

That will be us then! - our families - our people - our blood - our lives...


Mark Thompson - Gordon Brown and the rest of their despicable ilk, will no doubt be hiding away in foreign climes, claiming its was everyones fault but their own.

This is one pyramid system that needs to come crashing down from the very top......

Like TODAY!!!!!!

Irish Tory said...

have you seen this? Pirates are now able to apply for assylum after they are captured on the high seas in the act of piracy!!!

It becomes more absurd every day
