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Poverty causes crime. Amy Winehouse as an example.

How to debunk this socialist myth in two seconds:

Point one:Amy Winehouse joins 'rich list'

Point two:Winehouse arrested over 'assault'

2 people have spoken:

Anonymous said...

Drug addled fucking skank that needs a bullet in the back of the fucking head.

Anonymous said...

And how about the British prison service and how it is now a breeding ground for Islamic fundamentalism....

Under our wondrous New Labour regime....

Pete Doherty reading the Koran in jail.

London, Apr 26: It seems that Babyshmables frontman Pete Doherty is turning to Islam in jail, for the singer is going through pages of Koran in an effort to get through his days behind the bars.

The Babyshambles frontman has taken to the Islam holy book after he was held under captivation at London's Wormwood Scrubs.

From what reports suggest, Pete asked for a translation when he was imprisoned in an isolated cell at the tough prison last week, and now the rocker is glued to the tome.

"He's been reading the Koran since he went into segregation. He's got a lot of Muslim friends and they've been on at him for ages to study it. Now he's on his own he's got time on his hands to study it," The Sun quoted a pal, as saying.

The pal added: "I'm surprised how much it has calmed him down as he was very on edge inside. He definitely seems more chilled. He's lapping it up and really interested in it. I think it's helping him in there."

So there we have it.... Hes got a lot of Muslim friends on the outside eh?

And I wonder which services and substances they have been providing for him?

Oh well.....

Allah Akbar "Needles".

Now fuck off to Saudi and worship your rock!!!