

The National Debt Clock.

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Quote of the week:

Andrew MacKinlay, the MP for Thurrock, said that Brown was like a
"rabbit trapped in the headlights of a car"

Would that the car would hit the cunt and save the nation from the unelected, cowardly, calvinistic, dour, statist, puritanical, bland, cyclopedian dot on this world(to para-phrase dictator Robert Mugabe)...
Here we see unelected Gordon Brown resting is eyes, or should that be eye! Hard at work representing the people of the UK at the UN....

**Followed by this gem from Lord Desai about Gordon's style, or lack of...
"porridge, or maybe haggis; it is not very persuasive if you don't already agree with him."

He also quipped...

"Gordon Brown was put on earth to remind people how good Tony Blair was,"

1 people have spoken:

Anonymous said...

Dreaming of the day that someone - neigh anyone, brings down the evil empire of the United States.

How dare the capitalist yanks talk to our "Great Leader" with out his permission?.