

The National Debt Clock.

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10p tax - where is the money coming from?

We are in the process of watching another huge fuck up by the gay clunking claw that is Gordon Brown.

First off he cuts the 10p tax rate, this was done to pay for a tax cut for others in the economic system.

Now he plans to spend some £2.7 billion on compensating those affected. It will compensate fully 80% of those affected by the changes, and compensate the remaining 20% by at least half.

All sounds rather good, well unless your one of those who fall into the 20% that is.

Some minor points: They(Labour) abolished the 10p tax rate, and now partway through the tax year, change the mind after pressure from MP's introducing retrospective changes to undo those measures. What about certainty in tax matters?

But and this is the big clunking but, where is the money - some 2.7 billion quid - coming from? After all by spending £2.7 billion on compensating those stung, there is a gap of £2.7 billion that needs to be filled.

Well our badger haired chancellor explained exactly where it is coming from:
"Mr Darling... said the measures would be funded through borrowing so as not to take money out of the economy while it was slowing."
So the money will be borrowed, that is money that the state has to pay back at some future point in much the same way that the rest of us have to pay the credit cards each month. After all its just magic money, we can always print more or leave the debts floating about in a drawer someplace until the bailiffs come a knocking.

They fail to meet commitments and now announce that they are to borrow more money to avoid making difficult decisions.

Really fucking cleaver Gordon, fucking well done.

Jesus-fucking-H-Christ, the man is a cunt, a retard of the worst type.

Were he managing a business in the real world he would be hauled up in court by his creditors seeking their owed monies back.

The cunt he has as chancellor has even admitted that the economy is slowing. Yet borrows more and more.

Does he not realize that every penny borrowed by the government, that is every last sodding copper coin of it is public money. It is our money that you are pissing away Gordon and Darling, by adding it to the national debt or filing away as PFI or whatever they are just storing up future problems.

We the taxpayers, we the people anally fucked by your piss poor economics will have to pay that back plus the bastard interest on top of it.

A year, or maybe three down the line the economic situation if that cunt and his fellow useless cunt Darling is still in charge of UK Plc will be fucking worse, then what? Borrow more? Blame the Tories? Another stealth tax?

Fucking die Gordon, for the sake of the UK and it's economic future just go to Bridgend and hang yourself forthwith.

Oh and gas that badger haired cunt while you are at it...

5 people have spoken:

Anonymous said...

The badgers just a fucking glove puppet.

Clueless and incompetent...

We're all aware of who's false fingernails are all over this little botch job.

Ah! the aphrodisiac of outright power, So intoxicating, So mesmorising, that our gayboy P.M. wont give it up to anyone.

And damn any future consequences for the rest of us saps.

Gordon-ZYKLON-B-rown and his Nu Liebour SHOWER - suffocating us all on our train ride to Auschwitz - Sorry Brussels.

Fidothedog said...

Darling sees himself as the next PM after cyclops.

Anonymous said...

Only in his fucking sett - mind you the similarities to John Major are somewhat striking...

Anonymous said...

I give up....

Al-Beeb seek to invent a show staring Gordon Brown - portraying him in an extremely positive light, so that the general public fall for this con and keep him in power for years to come.

Its now just gone "clunk"

The barrel is now empty - and al-beeb need to go now! With their beloved Nu Liebour junta!!


MathewK said...

"Were he managing a business in the real world he would be hauled up in court by his creditors seeking their owed monies back."

Why do you think most leftists are always angling for positions in public office, they can't survive out in the real world, their fancy theories and social engineering falls to pieces.