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New Labour soft of illegal migrant scum, sorry sanctuary seekers.

The word "asylum" should be phased out in relation to foreigners seeking safe haven in Britain and replaced with "sanctuary", a new report said today.

A poll for the Independent Asylum Commission found that only 28% of people viewed "asylum" positively, and 33% viewed it negatively.

In comparison, more than 81% thought "sanctuary" had positive connotations. Slightly more people - 31.3% - most associated the word "asylum" with a place for the mentally ill rather than with safety for the persecuted, the poll said.

**Well they are - if in the small number of genuine asylum seekers - looking for asylum from abuse back home. Sadly the rest of the so called sanctuary seekers are an odd assortment of wannabe benefit scroungers, Nigerian scammers, shiftless criminals on the make, jihadists and moslem fanactics.

Just the sort of people who would vote Labour!

No, asylum seekers they were and asylum seekers I shall keep on calling them. Especially when they engage in what our Home Sec. now calls "Anti-Islamic Activities" or terrorism for short. Although we could bring back the word untermenchen as that seems to cover many of them perfectly.

For more of this remember to vote Labour...

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