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Sarah Jessica Parker looks like a horse.

Nay, say the fans of Sex in the city, although she also says nay...
Post done for no other reason than I hate the purile steaming turd of shittiness that is Sex in the City, and I also think that she looks like a fucking moose.
Hat tip to The Sniper

4 people have spoken:

Anonymous said...

I also hate this inane drivel and think all four are fucking mingers. The reason it is so popular is because it is devoured by mingers everywhere as proof that ugly fuckers, like sarah jessica parker, can get ahead.

Fidothedog said...

True, least we know when she enters the room as a/ we can hear her hooves on the floor and b/ she has a sweaty cunt that poisons the whole room.

Cruel I know but it has been that sort of day.

Anonymous said...

You all are a bunch of haters, Sex and the City is a good show, you all need to take the stick out of your asses and get over yourself.

Fidothedog said...

Now now Sarah Jessica Parker, we know the truth hurts - as does having your hooves done - but there is such a thing as plastic surgery these days.

Apparently even people/mooses like yourself can look human....