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That certain religion of peace again...

The Asians did not approve of all of the bare kuffir flesh and so they deface and lay down terms to the infidels on how they should live in dar el harb....

The Mail and Religion of Peace reported:

A COUNCILLOR today called for more control over advertising posters in "culturally sensitive" areas of Birmingham.

Coun Talib Hussain made his plea after a billboard on the corner of Sydenham Road and Golden Hillock Road, in predominantly Muslim Sparkbrook, was defaced.

The hoarding, close to mosques in Anderton Road and Golden Hillock Road and visible to parents and children walking to Montgomery Primary School, promotes Matalan's new swimwear range and features three scantily-clad models.

The models have been covered in thick white paint to conceal bare flesh.

Coun Talib Hussain (Ind, Sparkbrook) criticised the vandalism but said it was a result of the lack of action from city council bosses. He said: "I condemn the people that did this but at the same time it's wrong for companies to put that kind of advert in sensitive wards.

...The vandalism is similar to a spate of attacks in 2005 and 2006 by a group called Muslims Against Advertising.

A Birmingham City Council spokesman, said: "Our only power is to approve where advertising can take place, but not what is put on it. "That is between the Advertising Standards Agency and the firm itself."
Oh where to start on this? Well first off the councillor who has decided that they have on the one hand and I quote his words "culturally sensitive" areas, yet deny that they are separate from society. Would that be the same culturally sensitive areas that the moslems were all denying were ghetto's all but closed to non moslems not so long back?

What next? The flogging of women who refuse to cover up in "culturally sensitive" areas? Maybe he thinks that a stoning or two would keep the good women in those "culturally sensitive" areas barefoot and pregnant and improve the morality of the area.

Maybe the introduction of Sharia law, closing of churches - I am sure that the Church of England will be happy to help on that one - and the removal of moslem girls from schooling. Hell why not just make the few remaining infidels convert at sword point to Islam.

Maybe the good councillor should pack his bags and take himself off to some country that has the same liberal moral code as himself. Saudi Arabia leaps to mind as a good place for him, if he wants I would be quite happy to donate a ten pound note towards his airfare.

Inshalla, he will be gone from this nation of infidels and can then sulk to his hearts content about Western immorality in the Arabian deserts....

5 people have spoken:

Anonymous said...

I've witnessed this. A bird in a bikini overnight dons a painted burqua.
Funnily enough there was an ad for schnapps (I think)
with a naked bloke only a bottle covering his knob. This poster got none of the above treatment. Also the ad with a cricket fan flashing in front of a Land Rover. His full moon remained bare. But a near naked bird.... insta-burqua!

Make of this what you will.

Anonymous said...

Now we know why the one eyed coward won't come out of his closet and declare his love for all things Errrrmmm - male.

What would the "religion of peace" think of that?

Worthy of An Islamic stoning?


Suddenly I've come over all Arabic!!!

Fidothedog said...

Stoning Brown would be poetic justice for him.

MathewK said...

"Inshalla, he will be gone from this nation of infidels and can then sulk to his hearts content about Western immorality in the Arabian deserts...."

You know they won't, the never leave these parasites.

Fidothedog said...

MK, true a parasite like that chap has to be cut out of the host that it is trying to take over,...