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BBC - Romanian licence tax.

Following on the announcement that BBC1 is now to be made available live on the internet:

BBC states...

You need a TV licence to use any television receiving equipment such as a TV set, set-top box, video or DVD recorder, computer or mobile phone to watch or record TV programmes

So one can but assume that everyone with a pc shall have to stump up the BBC poll tax, the unfair, unjust and immoral tax that pays for the unemployable to live the high life.

I would like to see the communist run BBC try to get away with this?! I wonder who this reminds me of?...

In communist Romania, you needed a licence from the state to own a typewriter or photocopier.


2 people have spoken:

Anonymous said...

And you're treated like a criminal if you choose not to watch TV. I am collecting the official 'legal claim' style letters and threats they send to me. I choose not to have live broadcast TV into my home (which is the ONLY time you need a license despite the rumours). I have told them this, letters get ignored, the threats continue. Who do these people think they are? How much do they spend administrating this pathetic waste of time? Isn't it time we moved on from this archaic system?

Fidothedog said...

Agree with you 100%, the tv tax is a pain in the backside.