

The National Debt Clock.

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David Cameron talking fucking shit.

Look Dave, forget the treehugging, stroke a fucking huskie bollocks, forget whalesongs, saving fucking endagered whelks and all that metrosexual bullshit.

The simple fact is that, your and my energy bills are our own business oh and private business at that between us and the energy supplier. So we don't need this crock of shit.

Households would be able to compare energy bills with their neighbours under Tory plans to allow people to see if they are paying too much for their gas and electricity.

David Cameron said it could be crucial in alerting families who were not energy-efficient and would encourage greener behaviour.

Look Dave, we don't care. Serious put hugging trees/huskies etc up against a few quid off the electric and a tax cut and 99.99999999999999999% of people will be quite happy to see all the trees cut down and the huskies handed over to puppy farmers.

Spam carries on "I understand that right now the cost of living is the number one concern for Britain's families," Mr Cameron said.

He gets it but still not quite there, see promise to cut waste, kill quango managers, cull council departments, throw tens of thousands of shiftless indolent state workers who count beans and increase out tax bills. That will win you votes Dave.

In short reduce the state, reduce its rules, cut waste.

All I can add to his tree hugger b/s is this:

Quite how is looking at Mr Abduls(my next door neighbour) gas and electric bill going to be of any damn interest to me?

Quite frankly I could not give a shit if he has the lights on 24/7 and a thousand sodding heaters going to help keep all the dope plants nice and warm.

As for people looking at my bills well great, carry on. Frankly the only reason that my bills are so low is due to my being out most of the sodding time at work, having to earn money to pay all the bastard tax rises, stealth taxes and suchlike that that dour, calvinistic, one eye’d, unelected cunt of a PM has landed on my and everyone else ass.


3 people have spoken:

Anonymous said...

I don't think Cameron understands..

Sorry! I shall rephrase that..

I don't think Cameron's puppet masters understand, that the mood of the ordinary Joe on the street, has changed to the degree, that we are now pig sick of the sight, and sound of Socialist policies, and more over Socialfuckingists.

Dave: we all know that personally you will not, and never have gone short of anything at all, so stop empathising with that, that you will never understand, and talk some fucking sense...

Fidothedog said...

Agree, sod the whales, lower taxes. Less paperwork, coppers on the streets not pcso's, weekly bin runs and fewer laws and enforcement of existing laws.


Anonymous said...

What we need is more nuclear power stations to reduce the cost of energy.

What about the waste, is the cry from the tree huggers??? I say we dump it in open sewers in Cardiff! No one will really care, wlll they? Hell, the wee welsh kids will love the fact they glow in the dark.
