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Global Boring: Forget debate "The public fear must be cranked up again."

It would appear that the mass hysteria is starting to wear off.

Ipsos MORI polled 1,039 adults and found that six out of 10 agreed that 'many scientific experts still question if humans are contributing to climate change', and that four out of 10 'sometimes think climate change might not be as bad as people say'. In both cases, another 20 per cent were not convinced either way.

Some environmentalists blame the public's doubts on last year's Channel 4 documentary The Great Global Warming Swindle, and on recent books, including one by Lord Lawson, the former Chancellor, that question the consensus on climate change.

However Professor Bjorn Lomborg, author of The Skeptical Environmentalist, said politicians and campaigners were to blame for over-simplifying the problem by only publicising evidence to support the case. 'Things that we do know - like humans do cause climate change - are being put in doubt,' said Lomborg. 'If you're saying, "We're not going to tell you the whole truth, but we're going to ask you to pay up a lot of money," people are going to be unsure.'

More than half of those polled did not have confidence in international or British political leaders to tackle climate change, but only just over a quarter think it's too late to stop it. Two thirds want the government to do more but nearly as many said they were cynical about government policies such as green taxes, which they see as 'stealth' taxes.

Expect to see some more MP's starting to realise that they have been swindled and speaking out against this huge urban myth, as Ann Widdicombe did when she voted against the climate bill on the grounds that warming scam wasn't true. She described this as far more important than her decision to vote for 42 days.

John Redwood has a bit on his blog about this: John Redwood on global whining.

Also Nigel Lawson has done a bit on the new religion of Mother Earth worship .

Sadly not all MP's have seen sense on this subject yet and that includes my local MP Paul Flynn.
As you can see he has gone for the mad eco-loon look.
Here we see an "urban" look designed to appeal to the treehuggers.
Most telling is his comment on his website "The public fear must be cranked up again." - No matter how little basis that fear has in the real world. There we have the point that eco-lunacy and its advocates promote, forget facts its all about control, demonise those who disagree and rely on fear to do the rest

"The public fear must be cranked up again."

Still I shall leave you with all these fine photos that I have posted above of Mr Flynn, with hairstyles like that he is bound to be an expert in matters green...

It might also be worth a note that Mr Flynn was found guilty and had to pay damages in a libel case a few years back, so his word is not worth that much I feel.

Lastly the fine program from Channel 4: The Great Global Warming Swindle...

1 people have spoken:

Anonymous said...

It's a fine thing that the cave man wasn't subjected to New Labour Socialism, and political correctness...

Given New Labour policies back in the day - the human race would have ceased to exist long ago..

In other words - New Labour and their fruit bat cohorts would love to see an end to human condition...

Unless your a Socialist that is...