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Gordon Brown: More lost info as top secret files end up on train.

You could not make it up, this is what living in the UK has come to:

Police are investigating a "serious" security breach after a civil servant lost top-secret documents containing the latest intelligence on al-Qaeda.

The unnamed Cabinet Office employee apparently breached strict security rules when he left the papers on the seat of a train.

A fellow passenger spotted the envelope containing the files and gave it to the BBC, who handed them to the police.

I wonder if Gordon will appear before the House of Commons and say:

"There is no excuse for not following proper procedures."

Like when he had to do that before when the details of some 25 million child benefit records went walkabout....

1 people have spoken:

MathewK said...

I read in passing earlier, good grief, i thought this was about that incident that happened a while ago.

I suppose they're going to conduct an independent review and investigation now, like the last time.