"Therefore on a matter of principle, I cannot support 42 days pre-charge detention.
"I do understand different views and that there are judgments honestly reached by others and I respect these views.
"But I don't see on a practical basis, as well as a principled one, that these proposals are in any way workable."
So said Baroness Manningham-Butler, the former Head of MI5 who stood down last year and made her maiden speech in the Lords yesterday.Even the spooks who catch the terrorists all the terrorists - well aside from John Smeaton(who took down the Glasgow terrorist good man himself) - think 42 days is shyte.
The Lords are going to chew this bill up and spit back into James Gordon Brown's empty eye socket. He will be a very unhappy champagne socialist when that happens.
3 people have spoken:
Gordie won't be too disappointed... surely he must know the Lords will send this into the wastebasket! He's probably already warming up the Parliament Act ready for next year.
True enough, but then watch some smart ass lawyer come up with an arguement about it breaking some minor point on human rights and Labour having to rush through another fast amendment.
Not that they ever would do that, oh hang on anon witnesses... :-)
You know it's a bad idea when even those who would benefit the most from it are kicking it away. Naturally Socialist Brown will have to be convinced of the stupidity of it.
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