Now leaving aside all the pro/anti smoking stuff, we have heard an awful lot from the doctors and our political masters on how this ban is "good for us", good for the nations health and reduces heart attacks and so on and so forth. Plus the squillions pee'd away on nanny state ads on the radio/tv etc telling us to give up.
So the next time you get frozen solid whilst outside for a smoke or (if like me these days) you are a non smoker and decide to pop out for a chat with your smoking friends into the cold and rain, you will really appreciate the fact that our politicians have arranged an opt out for themselves.
Yep, they can smoke in The Strangers Bar.
You see politicians are not normal people but instead a master race superior to lesser races a die Herrenrasse, if you will. Therefore as superior specimens, the scourge of passive smoking does not kill them, these supermen and women are therefore able to beat off cancer and all forms of smoking related threats.
Unlike the rest of us who according to this theory must be an inferior race one of the Untermensch and so talked down to and looked after by Government.
Either that or a bunch of hypocritical self serving bastards who firmly believe in one rule for them and one for the plebs.
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