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EU & Bulgaria: "concerns about corruption and organised crime. " is that Bulgaria or the EU?

So the EU, that corrupt organ that even makes the theft on the part of our MP's look like small change; has decided to suspend aid worth hundreds of millions of euros because of concerns about corruption and organised crime.

My first thought was to laugh, quite how can an organisation like the the EU dare to lecture anyone with regards either of those points?

Spokesman Johannes Laitenberger said the EU was also withdrawing the right of two Bulgarian agencies to manage EU funds.

He said Bulgaria needed a new penal code to ensure more effective justice.

Now remind me again, quite how many years has the EU now gone without having its own financial accounts signed off? 13 according to the BBC

2 people have spoken:

Anonymous said...

The Bulgarians simply haven't applied the correct "how to diddle" directives.

Fidothedog said...

Anon, I take it you mean sign up for all the EU stuff and pay off some MEP's?...