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Labour: Cover up the mistakes. 39,000 barbarians allowed to stay in UK.

What to do with illegal aliens, well first off drop that term from government use and encourage the media to do the same.

Ignore the fact that these people are in this nation without any right and in fact breaking the law, thus making them illegal aliens.

Push a whole raft of laws over the last few years to put across the image of being "tough on illegal aliens and tough on the causes of illegal aliens." If you have done any temp work here in the UK, you need to have a passport/other documents to comply with said laws.

Now that all sounds rather good, but for this rather large illegal alien elephant in the room:

About 39,000 asylum seekers in a backlog of 400,000 applicants have been allowed to remain in Britain by the Home Office.

One way to clear paperwork, I wonder if proper criminal checks have been done on each and every one of these illegal aliens, or do we have to call them "undocumented workers" that fine phrase that has crossed the pond from the USA.

Another 20,000 people have been removed, the UK Border Agency said.

Well I guess they do catch some of them, just a shame that they could not stop them at point of entry. Mind that might mean spending money and having a joined up immigration policy.

UKBA chief executive Lin Homer said about 50 of the asylum seekers allowed to stay in Britain had some "possible criminal element".

Her disclosures come in a letter to Keith Vaz MP, chairman of the Home Affairs Committee.

WTF! Get the statement there "Possible criminal element"- In plain English they don't know or don't want to know. Still I am sure that the UK public will find out when they are attacked, raped or murdered by our new model citizens.

The top four nationalities among asylum seekers were Somalian, Pakistani, Iraqi and Afghan.

Most of their cases date back over three years, with some over seven years.

Well fucking great lets have a look at our fine new citizens: Somalia - a war torn crap hole full of jihadist asshats who have a habit of dressing up in ladies clothes.

Pakistan, another moslem nation and another where many of the Taliban hole up before taking flight to that other fine Islamic state of Bradford(istan)!

Iraq, yep more moslems and a place where guns and weaponry of all types are very common.

Afghanistan, again moslem and like the others awash with weapons and also drugs.

I am sure that being able to strip an AK47 wearing a blindfold, deal drugs and wage jihad against the infidel are skills that many UK employers are really looking for.

Still give them benefits and let them stay an hopefully they might vote New Labour....Gordon gives illegal workers the thumbs up!

1 people have spoken:

Anonymous said...

I genuinely believe that the "Tough on anything" stance,, is a complete New Labour fabrication brought about, to inflict yet more politically correct laws and social gerrymandering on that of their own peoples.

After all, under this vile government, the Anglo Saxon races are seen as genetically: "Racist" - "Second class" - "Third rate" - inferior "Tax cows", that must be eradicated at once, and replaced by the superior Islamic peoples who will in the short term - vote for Gordon Brown.

Its hard to blame the Muslims, when the biggest traitors in this Country of ours, sit on the front benches of her Majesties official government.

Can we really survive another eighteen months of them?