The Unison strike also happened to coincide with "cheap beer day" (Wednesday) in the local JD Wetherspoon pubs. In one particular pub the so called "underpaid" members of Newport Council spent the afternoon -as I was informed by the manager - imbibing various pints and bottles and loudly proclaiming their socialist(sic) values much to the annoyance of several other customers.
One particular loudmouth boasted of some 9 pints drunk(he was on No.9) at the time of my arrival in that pub after work. I do wonder if the two day strike was planned so that loudmouthed council workers can sleep off their hangover after day one of a hard day picketing/getting pissed in the pub.
A comment that amused me from the bald slaphead above, was there there was lots of government money to pay the workers what they were owed: Well I shall correct that, there is not. The government does not have money, it raises it through taxes both direct and indirect. In of itself HM Govt has not even got a bean.
As for the point of what they are owed? Hell as I shall no doubt be taxed to pay for their wages, I feel that I should have some input into what they are paid. They work a cushy 36 hours a week, get loads of holidays and a nice pension at the end of it all paid for by folk like me.
Oh I will also bring up the fact that slap head was rather abusive with regards his employer: Newport City Council, who he regards as a "bunch of wankers", "usless fuckers", "timeservers", "petty jobsworths" and "shit" - Maybe he should reconsider his job options and when he realises that he will be damn lucky to find a job in the private sector with half the perks he has he will maybe hold his employer in less contempt.
Although that said, it may be that some department manager whilst trawling the internet in work looking for animal sex porn or whatever it is that the legions of "timeservers" - slap heads word not mine - do to fill eight hours a day, will come across this and remove slaphead from the job he appears to hate doing.
Mind you I think that if council jobs if it was run on private sector lines, most would by now be done by some chap called Ali in a call centre on the outskirts of Mumbai.
Pay council workers more, when and if they provide decent services and work as hard as private sector workers, then yes but until then they can go fuck themselves.
Oh and that includes you as well slap head.
3 people have spoken:
37hrs a week shit i do 70 odd,i wanna job as a bin man get my snout in the trough.
But i know i won't get the job cos,i'm not diverse enough.
"The government does not have money, it raises it through taxes both direct and indirect."
It's a misconception that far too many morons out there have. A lot of people honestly think that things like tax cuts are an unnecessary waste of government money. Really gets up my nose that.
Too general, buddy. They ain't all bad.
My missus has a job I think you'd love. She goes to the office all day and chases delinquent benefit claimants. People who take my, yours and her money knowingly and when caught out suddenly become enraged at this thoughtless breach of their rights.
Each day she takes a dog's abuse at the hands of the bottom feeding morons and scum who infest Newport and she works like fury.
At the end of the month she gets her pay and has to give the best part of £90 back in councxil tax to pay for the invertabrates who leech the system.
I support her strike: she simply isn't paid what she's worth.
What a pity it is that she (and the others of her own and other departments) gets lumped in with the shiftless binman who shares the rubbish with your street and wheels your bin down to number 42 because he feels you may like the exercise.
Now, since your description of your own working day is drinking coffee and going for a wee quite a bit (get your prostate checked, it don't sound right), who are you to say that she is worth less than a private sector employee?
Still, love your work, more power to your organ etc.
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