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New Labour Toffs.

Quite how does one define a toff? A rich family? A public school education? Or is it an appreciation for the finer things in life, a good standard of living, access to public school education, holidays abroad and the financial freedom to do as one wills.
n. Chiefly British Slang A member of the upper classes, especially one who is elegantly dressed.
Many of the New Labour class warriors, like to bandy the word about, so lets take a look at the first part of the phrase: A member of the upper classes:

The Wiki link above states it like this:
Members of an upper class often have great power over the allocation of resources and governmental policy in their area.
That sounds like a politician to me.

Then the second part, especially one who is elegantly dressed. Well one only has to see the cabinet all dressed up at state dinners, with the PM James Gordon"cyclops" Brown & HM Queen present. You know the sort of thing, state functions when Gordon and cronies are offering court to head chopping Saudi royals.

So that could really apply to almost anyone who cares about their appearance, which is most people, well other than unwashed treehuggers and sellers of Socialist Worker magazine.

Quite often the word is thrown about to describe someone as out of touch, different from the rest of us, having advantages that we can only dream of and could never get. Therefore the jibe of calling them a toff is used to imply that they could never understand the day to day problems of the fudal poor.

Somewhat like MP's for example, who get expenses for food, travel, 2nd homes and on top of the 60K+ wages, pocket well over 100K+ each in expenses. Oh and that much talked about "John Lewis" list.

Like this lot of toffs who voted to keep their expenses and to keep acting like feudal toffs and exploiting the proletariat, in order to fund their lavish lifestyles. Yes I do like the humour of throwing the word proletariat at Labour MP's who have sold out and whored away all the last vestiges of socialism.

I wonder if any of the champagne socialists - I shall refer to them as toffs - in the Commons will be willing to share their funds with the poor, the homeless or in these times of negative equity and recession be willing to just take a wage freeze or cut.

Not holding my breath on that one.

All animals are equal but some socialist toff animals are more equal than others.
Lastly some cheap, er toilet humour.

2 people have spoken:

Anonymous said...

New caption for the senile old "Toff" to read:

"Peasant - do you know who I am?? - wipe my arse"

Fidothedog said...

Now I have that snap of him, I may well be re-wording it quite a bit!