BAD news for US presidential hopeful Barack Obama: his bid for the White House looks doomed after receiving the nod from Wales’ worst tipster, Newport West Labour MP Paul Flynn.
“Obama is already well ahead in the polls. Barring accidents, that lead should increase,” he says. “Can anyone doubt the outcome?”
Well, we certainly can now. For this comes from the man, who, in the House of Commons earlier this year asked the following question of then-Welsh Secretary Peter Hain: “Is he looking forward, as I am, to that glorious day in 2010 – a few months after the next general election – when I, the newly re-elected Member for Newport West, will welcome the right hon Member for Neath to Newport to congratulate him on his eighth successive year of distinguished service as Secretary of State for Wales?”
Time between Mr Flynn making that prediction and Mr Hain being forced to resign: eight days.
**I shall add here a letter that I spotted in Private Eye, a saterical magazine issue .1204.
Sir, Is the Paul Flyn, MP for Newport, who so fulsomely congratulated Peter Hain on his "eighth successive year of distinguished service as Sec. of State for Wales" the same Paul Flynn, MP for Newport, who in his 1999 book, Dragons led by poodles, described him as having "been compared with Odo, Star Trek's shape-shifter who liquefies at the end of each day and sleeps in a bucket then later emerges in any shape he wishes"? Apparently Hain had "the capacity of being on all sides - simultaneously". Somewhat mysteriously Flynn referred to him at that time as having succeeded to the Welsh Office "without a shudder of guilt". Not how he left it, eh!
SPEAKING of Mr Flynn, which we find ourselves doing all too often, last week he lambasted Monmouth’s Tory MP David Davies for suggesting that Newport’s Passport Office was under threat of closure.
“It’s about time he learned to behave in a mature manner and not play politics with people’s fears,” he fumed.
Mr Flynn is presumably equally as critical of the politician who, last month, said of the threat of global warming: “Panic is our only hope” and “The public fear must be cranked up again.”
The name of the alarmist? Er...Paul Flynn MP.
**Oh I shall also add that Mr Flynn lost a libel case. He an MP was found wanting with regards the truth, yet sees this as not a matter to be resigning over, yet should an MP of any other party be found lying Mr Flynn a typical New Labour champagne socialist is the first to be howling for their head:
A handy link to Flynn's apology to Endowment Justice
Also he is first amongst all MP's in claiming £22,110 additional costs allowance, yet is also calling for secrecy over MP's expenses and for their details not to be released.Another lie is his claim that some 15,000 people have died from pollution in London, which he stated in an attack on London mayor Boris Johnson:
people died in London last year from effects of air pollution. For the first time in 50, the works of cleaning up London’s atrocious air has been put into reverse this morning...What facts, from where? What data? Which bunch of eco fascists does the proven liar and libel case loser Paul Flynn use? Come on Flynn lets see the evidence of the 15000 per year deaths that have been proven beyond all doubt to be from pollution.
This from a man who is also on a committee to encourage trade with North Korea, a nation that runs death camps, allows no freedom of religion or expression and none of those inconvenient facts are ever reported in Mr Flynns website.

Lastly Flynn talks of Baltic freedoms here:
I was there twice before in the wonderful, terrible, hopeful and terrifying days of 1990 and 1991. The three Baltic States were teetering on the threshold of new independence. No one knew the outcome. ..... Now the the best dreams have been realised. They are three self confident nationsSo if Labour and Flynn believe that independence is the realization of best dreams for Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania which are now free of the Soviet yolk, why is he and Labour both opposed to Wales being 100% independent from England?... Maybe best dreams are fine in Baltic nations but we don't want any of that freedom stuff stirring up the plebs closer to home...
Tags: new labour, paul flynn, peter hain
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