

The National Debt Clock.

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Garry Glitter/Paul Gadd

Not interested in the media fest about this fucking vile man. He gets caught, serves his time and lo and behold the media ever desperate for a pedo story and all expenses trip to tropical parts are there in huge numbers to meet him.

Seriously he gets thrown out and sent back here and the media have reporters on the plane covering his every move, still an excuse for a large expenses bill and a free trip to the far east for the hacks involved.

Both they and Gadd can fuck off and die as far as I am concerned(or rather not).

**Jacqui Smith, the dire Home Secretary, took to the airwaves yesterday to announce new initiatives to prevent paedophiles from travelling as “sex tourists”. Yep, our fucking dire politicos ever the ones to play to a mob and hopefully blag a vote or two jump on the media fuckfest following Gary Glitter.

Sure if they wish to remove their passports that is one thing, although how long before some accused pedo claims that is against their human rights and sues for the right to travel. Oh and what if they have - like so many these days - dual nationality? Do we deport or trap them here, guess poor dim Jacqui Smith has not quite ironed that out.

Still poorly thought out, knee jerk policies seem to be something that Labour do a lot of.

Maybe she should stick to kebab eating with police and adding ever more weight on that large rump of hers.

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