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Greed on green taxes.

New Labour scum use saving the planet as an excuse to milk the cash cowstaxpayers of ever more money.

Every family in Britain is paying nearly £800 a year in a 'dishonest' green tax grab, a shocking report said last night.

Hard-pressed households are forking out the staggering sum on flights, fuel and for their cars even though it is 'unnecessary', said low tax campaigners.

Figures published by the TaxPayers' Alliance (TPA) suggest hard-working Britons pay £19.6billion a year too much in tax aimed at covering its carbon footprint.

They said it was 'unjust' on families who were being forced to tighten their belts as they struggled to pay the soaring cost of food, energy and home loans.

An analysis of official statistics found that the Government raked in £33billion in 'green' taxes in 2007-08 - up from £30.9billion the year earlier.

The levies included fuel duty, vehicle excise duty, landfill tax, climate change levy and the renewables obligation, which is the cost to the taxpayer of power companies generating electricity from environmentally-friendly energy sources.
After all best not to complain, we have to pay for all those 2nd homes for MP's, their expenses, girl/boyfriends, prostitutes, free flights and socialist la la looney policies. Still so long as the socialists can retire with a full index linked pension and enough champagne to keep them pissed in their dottage they care not a flying fuck about us.

2 people have spoken:

Anonymous said...

They aren't socialists. There hasn't been a socialist in any kind of authority in this country since Derek Hatton, and although (politically) theoretically sound from the socialist viewpoint, he did have the drawback of being as mad as a balloon.

Anyway, Welshy, what's all this moaning about "them" wasting "our" money? Sounds like you side with... the people! You bloody lefty! :) Any conservative worth his salt would applaud their enterprise and try and get a piece for himself.

Fidothedog said...

The whole thing with green taxes is just that: Tax.

Recycling fine, but to tax business and the consumers over some unproven theory of global warming is greed.

Also the whole point of this is that much of the tax monies raised fails to even go towards recycling or projects to improve the world.

Instead it lines the pockets of "green co-ordinators", party hacks and others on the Labour bandwagon.