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Lyse Doucet: Pro Taliban spokeswoman.

This really doesnt even surprise me anymore, yet another Guardianista employed by the pro-Islamist BBC whittering on about how nice and misunderstood the Taliban are:

A BBC news girl attacked TV yesterday for failing to show viewers the Taliban’s “humanity”.

Presenter Lyse Doucet’s astonishing statement comes as an Apache gunship hero revealed the fanatics aim to capture a British soldier and SKIN HIM LIVE on the internet.

Military Cross winner Ed Macy — whose book Apache is serialised in The Sun from today — tells how an intelligence officer gave details of the Taliban butchers’ sick plan.

It made Army Air Corps Warrant Officer Macy and his comrades even more determined to rescue a mortally wounded Marine from a Taliban stronghold — which they did with four soldiers strapped to the outside of two Apaches.

But BBC World News correspondent Doucet claimed the public also want to seeing the kinder side of the Afghan extremists.

Asked what was missing in media coverage, she said: “It may sound odd but the humanity of the Taliban, because they are a wide, very diverse group of people.”

Canadian-born Doucet, 49, told the Edinburgh TV festival: “Some would like to talk to the British Government. Some of them don’t want to be fighting British troops. Some of them would. This is the ideological Taliban.”

How typical, one has to wonder if Ms Doucet would be so happy about the Taliban were she unable to voice an opinion if she were a woman under their control, would she be so kind towards them if she were whipped for daring to step outside without being covered from head to toe.

She unlike many women in that part of the world has had the advantages of an education, something they deny their womenfolk. Believing that their role is just that of a servile wife and mother.

No doubt as she was growing up she had the posters of Che on her bedroom walls whilst complaining her parents were "capitalist exploiters" for making her do her homework of an evening.

So an education in hand she trots off to join fellow lefties at the BBC.
Oh, the humanity.

Maybe Ms Doushitcet can explain quite where the humanity is from people who insist on a woman being dressed up in full islamic garb to protect her modesty and then having her brains blown out by some koran toting savage?

Maybe she even approves of their prohibitions - such as bans on clapping during sports events; kite flying; beard trimming; or sports for women. Quite how that fits in with her happy clappy left wing ideas of peace and love I don't know?

Men were required to have a beard extending farther than a fist clamped at the base of the chin. On the other hand, they had to wear their head hair short. Men were also required to wear a head covering.

Possession was forbidden of depictions of living things, including photographs of them, stuffed animals, and dolls. Sorry Ms Doushitcet but the wall posters of Che have to come down!

In newly conquered towns hundreds of religious police beat offenders — typically men who shaved and women who were not wearing their burqa properly — with long sticks.

Women in particular were targets of the Taliban's restrictions. They were prohibited from working; from wearing clothing regarded as "stimulating and attractive," - I wonder if her rose tinted love of the smelly barbarians in the hills of Tora Bora would be quite so vocal had she been on the receiving end of a caning from the religious police?

Maybe she thinks that much of what has been put across is Western propaganda, so lets get some quotes from Taliban members:

Taliban official Mullah Mohammed Hassan explained that "of course we realize that people need some entertainment but they can go to the parks and see the flowers, and from this they will learn about Islam."

The Education Minister Mullahs Abdul Hanifi told questioners that the Taliban "oppose music because it creates a strain in the mind and hampers study of Islam."

Then of course there is the massacres of Hazara at Mazar-i-Sharif and Bamiyan, where some 8000 noncombatants were reported killed. Bodies left to rot, even animals were shot in an orgy of bloodletting in a fine example of the Talibans "humanity".

Over to another of the Taliban for a quote on their humanity to their fellow human beings, Mullah Niazi, the commander of the attack and governor of Mazar said after the attack, in a declaration from Mazar's central mosque:
"Last year you rebelled against us and killed us. From all your homes you shot at us. Now we are here to deal with you. The Hazaras are not Muslims and now have to kill Hazaras. You either accept to be Muslims or leave Afghanistan. Wherever you go we will catch you. If you go up we will pull you down by your feet; if you hide below, we will pull you up by your hair.
Lyse Doushitcet a silly girl who needs to grow up.

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