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New Labour: Puritanical wankers punishing rape victims.

Rape victims seeking compensation are having their payouts reduced if they had been drinking before they were attacked.

Campaigners called on the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority (CICA) to end the application to rape victims of a clause that says awards in all types of cases can be cut if consumption of alcohol "contributed to the circumstances that gave rise to the injury".

In the past year 14 rape victims - 1% of rape-related applications - were told they would get less money because of alcohol consumption, the CICA confirmed.

One woman, who believes she was raped after having her drink spiked, told the Guardian it "felt like a slap in the face" when she read that the standard award of £11,000 would be reduced by 25% in her case, to £8,250.

There you have it. Go out of an evening, get your drink spiked and well the puritans who see all booze as evil claim that in some way it must be your fault.

But it gets even fucking worse:

"The evidence that we have shows that your excessive consumption of alcohol was a contributing factor in the incident," she was informed by the CICA.

Excessive consumption my arse, quite who the fuck do the CICA think they are to dictate what is "excessive consumption of alcohol", utter contemptible cunts. Jesus wept do these authoritarian wankstains have no compassion to the victim of the crime?

Helen, a beauty therapist who has not worked since the incident, said: "When I read the CICA letter I just had no words; I could not take it in. It felt like I was being punished for having the audacity to step up and say 'I don't think this should have happened to me.' It was like going back to the 70s, saying 'she was asking for it'. How else could you read the letter but as saying it's my fault I was raped?"

This sort of New Labour puritanical mindset is typical of those who fill the council offices, the halls of Westminster, sit on the quango's, the boards and assorted bodies that oversee our lives. A petty fucking cunntbubble with a clipboard and a small penis who because they are incapable of having any joy spend all day worrying that someone may be doing something that they would not approve of and working out ways to tax/punish the wrongdoer.

New Labour have flooded the statute books with laws, rules, regulations, by laws, EU dictates and it is all manna from heaven to the hoards of petty pen pushers taken on to enforce all the squillions of pointless rules.

In a second statement, issued later, the CICA said a mistake had been made in Helen's case and its policy was not to reduce awards to rape victims on the basis of alcohol consumption.

Well a/give her the full amount of cash and b/ sack the cunt or cunts responsible for sending out the letter in the first place, then and this is the important one c/ apologise to the woman.


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