

The National Debt Clock.

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Our politicians are total scum: Data loss no harm done.

Well here is one from the "you could not make it up files"....

My piss poor, libel case losing MP the dire and past his sell by date (I don't like this chap very much if you have not guessed) Paul Flynn came up with this crap on his webshyte, the tedious "Read my day"

How many people have been harmed by the loss of Government computer information?

I put the question last month to Minister Ed Milliband and head of the civil service Gus O’Donnell. In harmony they said 'nobody'.

So guess that makes it all okay, carry on as normal then losing our data and pissing away countless billions on ID cards that will be of no use to man nor beast.

Not one, not two but three totally inept fuckers who miss the bleeding obvious point that it is our information that is being lost, the fact that we may not have lost any monies is a non point.

Had this worthless shower of shit any clue what so ever they would realise that they should have a duty of care to ensure that our information is treated in a responsible manner.

I hate them all. Socialist wankers the lot of them....

3 people have spoken:

Anonymous said...

Except they aren't socialist. You keep saying it, and probably always will, but it'll never make it so. To (mis)use the word socialist to describe Liebour suggests a direction and firm identity they lack. These bobble-headed wagon jumpers are no more socialist than they are anything else, a jelly waiting to set.

Socialist, who? Milliblair? Pa Broon? That other fellow with the bad haircut and opinions no firmer than baby shit? This fellow Flynn? No socialists, they!

Fidothedog said...

They have the word socialist on the tin, mind you if they were a tin it would have gone off and been removed from sale for false representation of contents.

Communist might be more apt considering the number who praised Fidel to the skies on a recent EDM.

MathewK said...

"How many people have been harmed by the loss of Government computer information?"

The only way is for the electorate to ensure that the next question to be asked by the pollies is, How many of our ministers have been harmed by the loss of Government computer information at that last election?