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Paying the Jizya.

Thanks to Cranmer for this.

It appears that taxpayers here in the UK are contributing to the propagation of a ‘moderate’ Islamic theology in the name of ‘fighting Muslim extremism’.

In short the people of this nation are paying Jizya.

Jizya is the tax under Islamic law which non-Muslims have to pay in order to live their lives with a degree of autonomy and to practise their faith free from aggression.

Birmingham City Council spent £525,000 in the last financial year under the Government’s secrecy-shrouded Preventing Violent Extremism Pathfinder Fund (PVE). And now they are throwing another £2.4 million at the project, to be spread over the next three years.

While councils across the country have received PVE cash to help communities tackle extremism, there are concerns over how some local authorities are using the money. Birmingham City Council used the £525,000 to fund projects at 10 mosques in the city. Dr Mashuq Ally, the council’s ‘Head of Equality and Diversity’ (who asked taxpayers if they wanted to fund such Marxist pursuits?) said the projects ‘focused on young people, religious institutions, and women and media’. Among them was a scheme to teach imams English. Another was aimed at developing management structures in the mosques.

Surely these ‘management structures’ ought simply be educated to employ English-speaking imams in the first place. Why should the taxpayer subsidise importing Pakistani imams into UK mosques? It is not their lack of English that offends, but the particular brand of Islam that they preach. At least if they cannot speak English, the propagation of their message of hate is somewhat hindered.

Another programme involved the council funding Criminal Records Bureau checks on all teachers and staff working at the Islamic schools attached to the mosques. But since other schools are obliged to find this money themselves, this amounts to a taxpayer subsidy on unregulated madrassas. The people of Birmingham are unwittingly helping to educate the next generation of Muslims through faith schools which are not subject to Ofsted - the state’s inspection regime.

Sure there are some moslems object to PVE because they think the programme stigmatises them, but there are a lot more kufur non moslems who object when seeing their community centres close due to lack of funds.

Get this double speak:

We asked the Government’s Communities and Local Government department what, if any, checks are being done to ensure local authorities are allocating funding effectively to counter extremism.

A spokeswoman said: "This funding is not being ring-fenced in this financial year, but is currently being paid through the Area Based Grant. This gives local authorities flexibility about how they used their resources.

"The Communities Secretary will be reviewing these arrangements at the end of the financial year 2008/09 and will consider at that point whether there are exceptional circumstances which would merit ring-fencing."

They answer the question without answering the question.

Hat tip to Cranmer.

Gordon Brown a man who makes me so angry I could punch his lights out

4 people have spoken:

Anonymous said...

It's not Marxist, FidoTheDog(matist). In fact I believe you'll discover- if only you could be arsed to look- that Marxism does not allow for the indulgence of these preposterous superstitions, whatever stripe they may be. Still, The ghost of McCarthy thanks you!

Your confusion of woolly liberal values and socialist ones is (as usual) wrong. Your grasp of politics is feeble, Welshy. Too much sheep bothering, that's your trouble.

Look here, I'm (broadly speaking) a socialist and I identify quite strongly with much of what you say in this blog: it's why I read it. I think you're waaaay off on some of the economic commentary but hey, it's your blog so it's your call.

Fidothedog said...

Labour have opened the door to migrants (both legal and illegal) on the last 11 years.

Time and time again they have failed totally to grasp the throny subject of islamic jihad, the hatred of the umma of all non believers.

Had they tackled this head on, rather than pandering to first the MCB, then under Jaqcui Spliff and co setting up the PVE which is just a cheap pr exercise they could have got real moderates in place from the moslem community.

The problem is that clerics, often with little knowledge of the world outside of dar al islam and not wanting to learn any either are allowed to spread hardline Saudi wanniharbist teachings.

This government has allowed them in, done little to tackle the problem and refuses even to call a terrorist a terrorist, using such sort words as insurgent.

MathewK said...

They've already found that some funds were used to fund the 7/7 bombers, for heaven's sake, do these scumbags not care if they're helping terrorists blow them up!

And what the hell is ring-fencing! Is there some sort of college or school these vermin attend teaching them to spout this nonsense. Probably funded by the taxpayers too.

Anonymous said...

I'm with you all the way much of this- As early as 1990 I had, in the course of my degree, identified Islam as the next big menace. I had to put up with all manner of defamation! This was the time that political correctness was starting to inveigle itself to the fair minded, corrupting them into the woolly headed idiots that run the show now. I even had someone comparing my aversion to Islam to Hitler's hysteria about the Jews- how could I, they demanded, be so maniacally defensive against people who make up less than 5% of the populace of the country?

Fuck 'em, I was right.

And I'm right when I say that the hardline Baptist Christians running America right now are fucking everything up. They personally believe that we stand at the end of the world preached in the book of Revelation and consequently give not a fuck about the future: the economic shitstorm currently being endured worldwide can be traced to their front door, to their greed, to their misguided if not initially unreasonable insistence on a stakeholder society.

You think I'm wrong? Maybe. But considering that in my role as consultant with my bank we withdrew about a decade ago from all the fields that are now dragging the economy down the plughole I like to think that the fact that we are now not worried about the world economy as much as some of the big players and have suffered no losses, the viewpoint is vindicated.

I appreciate that it may sound a touch high-handed. But that makes it no less correct!