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Clampdown on lone adults

Here we see the total fucking nightmare that the champagne socialists of New Labour have created, a society where councils can decide to question people in parks in case they may be a pedophile.
Adults walking in a West Midland park without a child in tow face questioning about what they are doing there as part of a controversial new council policy.

Council staff have been instructed to stop lone adults visiting Telford Town Park in Shropshire as part of precautions to protect children from paedophiles.

So no evidence needed, just some cunt with a clipboard asking vistors without a child if they like to have sex with children!

The move, described today by critics as “grotesque” and “appalling”, was outlined after two environmental campaigners dressed as penguins were thrown out of the beauty spot last month for handing out leaflets on climate change.

Rachel Whittaker and Neil Donaldson, of the Wrekin Stop War group, were ejected because they had not given advance notice of their campaign and undergone a Criminal Records Bureau or risk assessment check in advance.

Um-fucking-believeable. If some eco nut wants to dress up as a penguin and hand up leaflets quite what business is that of the council? As for this advance notice bullshit, since when did a citizen need to advise anyone of wanting to hand out a leaflet?

Then to claim they need a CRB check and risk assessment, well total cuntery by small minded council officials who believe that all the tick boxes need to be checked no matter as to regards common sense.

David Ottley, Telford & Wrekin Council’s sport and recreation manager, said: “Our town park staff approach adults that are not associated with any children in the park and request the reason for them being there.

“In particular, this applies to those areas where children or more vulnerable groups gather, such as play facilities and the entrances to play areas.

Well all I can add is that David Ottley is a small minded cunt who I would imagine dresses up as some SS officer in his spare time and gets a stiffy from quoting health and safety regulations to compensate for the small size of his cock.

“This is a child safety precautionary measure which members of staff will continue to undertake as and when necessary. If this means that we have then to take precautions which some people feel are over the top, then so be it.”

And I feel that David Ottley is a total cunt and if he feels that that is over the top, then so be it. Not so nice is Mr Ottley...

But town hall chiefs in Telford have been quick to respond to the controversial claims following a tide of criticism from councillors and residents, who said it was unfair to interrogate adults simply enjoying themselves in the park.

The council’s director of community services Ron Odunaiya and Councillor Denis Allen, cabinet member for community services, have insisted there was no blanket policy covering all visitors. In a joint statement they said: “There is absolutely no suggestion whatsoever that people are routinely approached by our staff for no apparent reason.

“However, and this is the crucial part, if someone is acting in a suspicious manner or acting in an inappropriate way then, of course, our staff reserve the right to ask questions.”

Gordon gives snooping the thumbs up.

And I as a free citizen have the right to refuse to answer and to call Mr Ottley and other council officials who thought this one up a bunch of small minded cunts.

Seriously a council decides that I or anyone else can be questioned if we go about our lawful business on council grounds that we all pay for out of our taxes!

Just who the fuck do these fucking fuckers think they are?

Quite should anyone have to explain themselves to a park keeper, a fucking glorified gardener when one looks at their job. Unless your walking on the grass or take your dog off a lead in breach of some minor by law they can fuck off.

Should I refuse he had best have some large mates to help him throw me out.

Lastly I would say that it is small minded council employees who live by the rule book and probably have very little social interaction with adults in the real world who are more likely to be pedophiles. Maybe the same council officials should take a close look at the average council worker. Starting with the odious
David Ottley.

2 people have spoken:

MathewK said...

"...they had not given advance notice of their campaign and undergone a Criminal Records Bureau or risk assessment check in advance."

So what will these fools do if said penguins pass all the checks and tick all the boxes and still end up groping someone or exposing themselves or something to that effect, will these nannying cretins be able to stop it? Didn't think so. What's the point then.

"...following a tide of criticism from councillors and residents, who said it was unfair to interrogate adults simply enjoying themselves in the park."

This is why they try this crap, i'm hope this won't make daylight, but at least they can try. What's the worst that can happen, a few people whine and complain, that's all. In my opinion, you folks need to accept it, tell this Ottley fellow that, yeah good idea mate, bring it on.

Then one day when one of these cretins asks someone to state their business in the park or else, gather the town folk and frog march the fellow over to Ottley's residence, grab him and anyone else with such ideas and tar and feather them in the town square.

Once you're done, tell Ottley and his buddies to go home and try and come up with other such brilliant ideas because the town folk find this tarring and feather business most entertaining. I'm sure Ottley and his ilk will suddenly find other interests to pursue instead of nannying people around.

Fidothedog said...

Yep, we need to start stringing up lefties by the testicles.