

The National Debt Clock.

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Eu accounts not signed off for 14th year.

Just imagine running a business like this, you would have HM Govt down on that company in seconds flat, the management would be kicked out if the auditors did that just once.

Yet with the EU accounting go's out of the window, from MEP's fiddling the expenses, through to middle managers cooking the books and down to Italian and French farmers claiming for non existant crops and livestock.

As for the finances, quite why should the UK or any other nation pour in its cash into a system that loses/steals and is in such a piss poor fiscal mess that even the accountants have no idea of the true state of affairs and so refuse to sign off the books.

I look forward to pro-Europeans arguing how 14 years of fiscal fuckwittery is something that we should look forward to embracing.

2 people have spoken:

Anonymous said...

I cannot think of one (good) reason for belonging to this corrupt organisation. The very best we can realistally hope is that we belong to a corrupt wasteful incopetent mess. The worst case scenario is the full blown Orwellian nightmare.
The argument that unity will bring peace is total and utter bollocks.
Ask any yugoslavian.

Fidothedog said...

Urban, the best way to fuck the EU is to stay in and clog up the EU from within until they choose to kick us out.