Fifty this week, Kemp has seen the writing on the wall for Labour and wants to get out while he is still young enough to build a new career.
Oh a few bits about our bottler Kemp who sees the writting on the wall, sees that his party is headed for fucking oblivion that their piss poor fiscal record has fucked the UK up the arse to the point where as a nation we have a collapsed rectum:
First up he proved himself a total cunt by voting for 42 day, so Fraser Kemp MP I now call you a cunt again.
Our Kemp made a nice £142,899 in expenses for the year 2006/07, on top of his wages.
He also voted to cover up the duplicity of MP's, again showing that he was a venal cunt of the lowest type: Absolute bloody disgrace, the BBC report.
Lets just hope that a stroke or some form of death in a slow and fucking painful way hits this fucker the exact day after he leaves office as an MP, thus depriving the cunt of spending his ill gotten gains from the UK taxpayers.
Fraser Kemp MP - You are a cunt. FOAD.
3 people have spoken:
The invisible Fraser Kemp
Unlike your own personal imbecile, he's been awfully quite, to the point that I wondered if Id missed his passing.
Now it makes sense!
Perhaps the man has a modicum of humility, and realised that New Labour are nothing more than an incompetent sham.
There again - he was odds on to lose his seat in 2010, so perhaps this point may well have entered his thoughts too.
I know at this point your supposed to be humble, and offer words of respect for retiring M.P.s - but fuck that for a game of soldiers!
Ill not miss him - I don’t care about him - and good fucking riddance to bad medicine.
He did absolutely nothing for this area - I'll repeat that - FUCK ALL.
Reverse, my worthless lying, duplicitous, shifty cunt who lost his libel case, the dire Paul Flynn MP is hanging on for the pension.
Blag as much out of the taxpayer as he can till told to fuck off by the electorate.
Yeah but Fido what you must remember about comrade Kemp - and as it points out in your link, is that he was able to stave off big business and save a decrepit pigeon cree in Ryhope.
Now! - Lets not hark on about the fact that Ryhope is in the jurisdiction of Sunderland South and his own constituency is Houghton and Washington that is of course immaterial – There were Socialist principles at stake here, and for Kemp it had absolutely nothing to do with the fact that one of his family was involved in “Pigeongate” - The evil empire of a large supermarket chain wanted to give the Villagers of Ryhope somewhere cheap to shop - but six old men and a fucking dog wanted to idle out their final days, scraping up pigeon shit and dreaming of the revolution – how could Kemp not stick his Socialist oar in with that?
Now somehow –back handers behind the scenes? - Comrade Kemp managed to win the day for the revolutionary pigeons.
Now the cynical amongst us may well have thought he’d have better things to do than crusade for pigeons – you know like – looking after his own constituents – but the Comrade remained steadfast to his cause and won the glorious revolutionary day.
Problem was – and it seems a recurring feature of New Labour – Is that everybody got what nobody wanted – and how did the good people of Ryhope repay the Comrades efforts in last Mays local elections?
Ronald Bainbridge, Lab 983
Christopher David Fairs, Con 1,012
Patrick Lavelle, Ind 509
David Slone, Lib Dem 209
Wayne Watts, BNP 291
For the first time in the history of Ryhope :: Con gain
New Labour busybodies – changing the landscape where-ever they tread!!!
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