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Gordon on windfall taxes.

Today in a classic Gordon sulk, Gordon Brown openly threatened to rob the big energy companies of their profits. He is angry that the industry is refusing to stump up money.

When asked if a windfall tax on the profits of energy firms was on the table the Prime Minister's spokesman said, "We want to work in a constructive and collaborative way with the energy companies, but obviously nothing is ruled out."

Although he may impose a windfall tax via the back door(always Gordons way according to tales in Lord Levy's book and certain MP's I have spoken to) and the prime minister is looking at an alternative levy on carbon emissions. A green eco friendly treehugger tax, after all can't argue with saving the planet....

He has a problem that these utilities won't help people who either can't or won't pay their fuel costs. Now quite what business is it of Government if people can not afford to pay bills? Also his utility tax will only benefit those on benefits.

The working poor, those who won't or can't get benefits will lose out and the money will be clawed back by those very companies by putting up prices in future years.
Gordon Brown a man who makes me so angry I could punch his lights out

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