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Marianne Mikko - not very happy.

had wanted to call for full clarification of the legal status of webblog authors, disclosure of bloggers' interests and the voluntary labelling of blogs, all of which had been supported by MEPs across the political spectrum at the committee level.

MEPs had been worried that the legal situation of bloggers regarding source protection is unclear, as was where liability should be assigned in the event of lawsuits. The Euro-deputies had thus recommended that blogs and their authors be taken out of this legal limbo.

Such language however produced a firestorm of reaction in Sweden when the report emerged in the Swedish media in June...

..."I've been subject to a lot of attacks from bloggers all over Europe," Ms Mikko told reporters after the passage of the resolution. "I've been called Mao Tse-Tung, Lukashenko, Ceauscescu - it's not very pleasant."

"I understand and yet I don't understand the reaction of bloggers," she said. "Nobody is interested in regulating the internet ... But I understand how a sensitivity was touched. I'm sorry that's the playground we're dealing with at the moment."...

Sadly for her, her dire plan to regulate, snoop and pass Gordon Brown style Orwell style laws on the internet died a death.

I shall upset her some more by calling her a cunt.

4 people have spoken:

suigmypiel said...

A cunts useful man.

Fidothedog said...

Agreed, still the term shall annoy her.

She seems the type who put their name in Google and see who has been saying what about them.

Rather paranoid are our socialist overlords! :-)

Anonymous said...

I followed a link from Guido Fawkes to the video Labour Lies, which made me laugh my socks off, Gordo on his rocking horse, the ferrets & OH's Bingo BS card - all priceless - and then to your website. Have just read the Marianne Mikko piece & fell about laughing at your last line. Shouldn't you have 'interfering Nazi' before the C word? Laughing them out of existance may be our only choice in the end. Mockery often gets much better results than fighting. Speaking of which, I think that picture of Blinky Balls in his stormtrooper uniform in the DM today will not improve his image.

Fidothedog said...

Cheers MK and Rm.