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Marie Stopes on the 50p stamp.

Royal Mail are issuing a set of six stamps to mark women's achievements in the fight for gender equality.

The first class stamp in the collection has been reserved for Millicent Garrett Fawcett, the campaigner and Suffragette. As president of the National Women's Suffrage Societies, she was instrumental in the campaign to get the vote for women.

Her elder sister, Elizabeth Garrett Anderson, who was the first woman to qualify as a doctor in the UK, heads up 48p and fellow women's rights campaigner Marie Stopes will be the face of the 50p stamp.

Stopes opened the first family planning clinic in the country in 1921 which offered a free service to married women and gathered data about contraception. Her clinics saved many women form a cycle of pregnancy and childbirth.

The set includes also the 72p stamp, Claudia Jones, who was a civil rights campaigner and founded the Notting Hill carnival in west London.

All well and good one would think, but lets get back to Marie Stopes, I was pointed to this article about her life: http://www.themidnightsun.org/?p=2796#more-2796

So I had a quick look at Wikipedia:
Stopes was a prominent campaigner for the implementation of policies inspired by eugenics. In her Radiant Motherhood (1920) she called for the "sterilisation of those totally unfit for parenthood (to) be made an immediate possibility, indeed made compulsory." She also bemoaned the abolition of child labour for the lower classes:
In 1935 Stopes attended the International Congress for Population Science in Berlin, held under the Nazi regime and was more than once accused of being anti-Semitic by other pioneers of the birth control movement such as Havelock Ellis.

Stopes even cut her son Harry out of her will after he married a near-sighted woman. Stopes wrote:

"She has an inherited disease of the eyes which not only makes her wear hideous glasses so that it is horrid to look at her, but the awful curse will carry on and I have the horror of our line being so contaminated and little children with the misery of glasses ... Mary and Harry are quite callous about both the wrong to their children, the wrong to my family and the eugenic crime."

Reflecting the racist message of the eugenics philosophy, her birth-control organisation was called the Society for Constructive Birth Control and Racial Progress. Her 1921 slogan, echoed by the modern abortion movement, was, “Joyful and Deliberate Motherhood, A Safe Light in our Racial Darkness.”

Following Stopes' death in 1958, a large part of her personal fortune went to the Eugenics Society.

So no wonder then that Marie Stopes, has been chosen by this vile amoral government as a "poster child", or rather stamp child. Like so many of the champagne socialist elite she was born into a privilaged background where she had the luxury of pushing her theorys on life.

Had she been born later on she could oh so easily have turned out into another Polly Toynbee.

She like the socialists of New Labour believe the poor to be inferior and in need to control and watching(just look at all the authoritarian laws going through), that they not allowed to spread their faulty genes and pollute the socialist elite.

As an antisemite, she would have fitted in so well with the Guardian readers, the BBC directors and even many members of our ruling Labour government who all leap on any chance to attack Israel.

I wonder if the Post Office will issue a stamp with Hitler or Albert Speer on next?


5 people have spoken:

Anonymous said...

The socialists (they aren't socialists, but anyway) of New Labour believe the poor to be inferior?

Oh yeah? And I suppose the Eton mess that's waiting to assume power is just all about the proles, isn't it? The contempt the Blue half of the The House holds the working man in is long documented. Why, it's the very reason the Labour party existed (until 1997).

Anonymous said...


Old style Labour Socialism, these days is dead and gone.

Buried in 1997.

We now see Etonians v Fabians, with no real difference in their upbringings or backgrounds; they're nearly all from the same Social classes/standings and want the same final outcome. - Power.

You talk of 1997. - O.K. fine.

However, didn't the alarm bells ring for you when Teflon Tony revealed his much vaunted "Third way" politics - a doctrine previously looked at by Italian Fascists -, and therefore, to some extent isn't that exactly what New Labour are implementing now?

The mere fact that your here, commenting on a "right wing" blog indicates how splintered we've all become. Some of us hope against hope that the Tories will be somehow different this time - alas that may not be the case - so in that outcome - what the hell do we do next?

The E.U. - Islam and Multiculturism - Is an outright attempt to destroy our culture from within. Were our forefathers really that "Evil" that we must pay for their sins with our indigenous pasts?

Today, and at the top, New Labour Socialism and Tory Capitalism mean only one thing:

New World Order!

So its up to people like us to find a way to stop it in its tracks.

And perhaps that my friend, will be the impossible dream.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the link, FidoTheDog. This is the kind of thinking iconized in the New World Order; a murderous, elitist mindset which will show no mercy, I believe, to anyone who stands in their way.
ReversePsychology, excellent comment. The so-called two party system is not what most people think it is.

Fidothedog said...

Fromthepast - you miss the point. I hate the scum in power and believe you me if you think for one fucking second that I either like or trust Cameron then you are mistaken.

I have a cast iron view that 99.9999999% of those in power as MP's are total cunts of the lowest form, who deserve nothing more than a slow and painful death.

Come the sleaze of Cameron I will do my small bit to stick the proverbial knife into him just as much as I do Brown and co right now.

The main reason I attack Brown is he is in power - sure no one voted for him, but he is there none the less - there he gets my ire.

Anonymous said...

Fido, I don't think I buy it but time will tell on whether you are a stern and absolute critic or a Tory sycophant. The only reason I don't buy it is that you stick it to Liebour and so on, but frequently use Cuntservative comment in your reportage as a contrast. If you are contrasting that which you hold to be bad you must contrast it with what you hold to be good. I see that you make very little negative comment about the Blue half!

But Reverse Psychology hits the nail on the head, astutely observed. I was alarmed at the mention of Third Way politics, I was sickened and deeply saddened by the amendment of Clause 4 of the party constitution that at a stroke dismissed the guiding socialist principle of the party.

But the fact I'm commenting on a right wing blog is not a measure of how splintered we are but how harmonious we can be! I read this blog because, politically, and whether anyone likes it or not, there is little difference between the hard left and the hard right. I disagree on principle with Fido's assessments of the economy and what constitutes a functioning society. But around 70% of what's in this blog is factually correct and rather amusing. The other 30% is waffle and hysteria- and rather amusing. And that's why I'll come back every other day, agree, disagree, criticise and condone without ever an angry word.