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Wisdom of comrade Paul Flynn MP:

He says:

Demands have been made that a Newport Councillor should stand down from his cabinet role until it is established whether or not he was drink driving.One person has said that it’s a ‘private matter.’ It’s not.
But would comrade Flynn argue that defaming a company is as bad, being sued as he was through the courts having issued comments that could have destroyed a business and to this day sticking to the line that he was right. The libel court thought otherwise to the tune of £36K.

Councillor drink driving bad, losing libel case ‘private matter.’ and he shall not step down as an MP. Such is the bizarre logic of Flynn's world.

He says that "First impressions stick.", well I wonder what people make of a proven liar representing them in The Commons?....

Talking of libel he said a few days back that the libel laws needed to be amended, I agree but only in the respect that someone found guilty of libel should be barred for life from holding any public office, I wonder if comrade Flynn would agree with that...

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