A state catch all.
A NAKED would-be opera singer was among the bizarre list of people handed Asbos in Scotland last year. Other unusual orders:
• A man from Wales was banned from hospitals except in real emergencies after he faked drug overdoses to stay in hospital.
• A mother-of-two from Lincolnshire was banned from singing as her voice was so bad.
• A man from Rugby was banned from borrowing money from a friend.
• A Clackmannanshire man was banned from shouting at his television.
• An 18-year-old from Swindon was banned from playing football in the street.
• A Somerset man was banned from having a rooster.
• A country and western fan from Leeds who plagued neighbours by playing Dolly Parton songs around the clock was banned from playing music in her home.
- a 12-year-old with learning disabilities given an order;
- two brothers banned from meeting in public;
- a 17-year-old forbidden from using the front door of his home until the age of 21;
- a 13-year-old served an order banning him from using the word "grass" anywhere in England or Wales for six years; and
- a 16-year-old banned from showing his tattoos, wearing a single golf glove, or wearing a balaclava in public, anywhere in the country.
- two brothers banned from meeting in public;
- a 17-year-old forbidden from using the front door of his home until the age of 21;
- a 13-year-old served an order banning him from using the word "grass" anywhere in England or Wales for six years; and
- a 16-year-old banned from showing his tattoos, wearing a single golf glove, or wearing a balaclava in public, anywhere in the country.
2 people have spoken:
ASBO's were set up by the scum of NuLiebour to get people used to the arbitary exercise of power without due process. A number of people have been jailed without a proper trial for things which are not crimes under British law( any trial for a non-crime would never have happened of course)because they defied the dictat of some mouthy beak
Agree, the system has been shown to be a joke and is need of some reform.
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