She said:
Well Caroline it is like this, yes we shop at European shops they however have their accounts signed off by accountants unlike the EU. We might also trust it if we did not feel that there was something to hide, after all if the place was open and above board we would have been given as vote as promised by your party.Britain is an island nation, but our instinct is international - we shop at European fashion shops, we eat at pizzerias, we holiday on the Mediterranean. So why do people distrust the European Union and feel distant from its institutions?
She asked why people distant, well that is because the politicians are distant, are out of touch and make little if any effort to reach to the "average person" and explain issues to them in clear language.
They see their money being poured away to fund MEP's who treat them with contempt, on projects and ideas they had no input in, no say as to the end results, with no way of complaining when things go wrong.
Maybe if Caroline actually listened to us mere plebs along with the Lord Kinnocks of this world then maybe the Eu might be worth a shit, oh and with some openness they may finally get the books signed off by the beancounters.
Oh and does anyone else think she is a patronising cuntfuck?
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