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Govt Health Warnings.

Had this texted to me, so here it is...
To coincide with the governments new graphic images ruling that shocking pictures be placed on all cigarette packets, brewers are to put images of fat stinking women on their labels with the warning, drink too much of this and you could wake up next to this !
The Government today have started printing pictures of dead people and smokers lungs on packets of cigarettes to deter people...

Im not a smoker, but I think I will start just so I can collect the set


Graphic warnings will appear on cigarette packets this week including rotting teeth, a corpse, and a body cut open.

A picture of Amy Winehouse then?

3 people have spoken:

Anonymous said...

You're right they might be 21st Century cigarette cards.

Swap you a corpse for the rotted teeth you've got two of them!

Little kids might even start buying two packs just to get the rare warnings. Sales will go through the roof!

Fidothedog said...

A bit like those old Top Trump card sets.

My rotting lung trumps your falling out teeth!

I can see some one making a game out of that and the Daily Mail having a fit!

MathewK said...


And who'll be paying for all these pictures, ads, campaigns and what not, i'm guessing the taxpayer.

And it'll be the same taxpayer who'll be picking up after the slimeballs who didn't care for the aforementioned ads and campaigns.

Why don't they just cut the warnings, nannying and also make those who won't learn pay for the consequences themselves?

Oh yeah, then there won't be any work for the nanny state socialists who always know how to better spend someone else's money.