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Lardies to get cash payments to see doc.

More state fuckwittery:
Unhealthy patients could be 'bribed' with cash payments to go and see their GP, under controversial proposals from health chiefs.

NHS managers are looking at ways to get fat people from deprived backgrounds into surgeries by offering them financial incentives, which could even include £20 mobile phone vouchers.

They say that paying small amounts now could save the NHS thousands of pounds later, if the consultations help prevent people developing diabetes or heart disease.
Cue them then heading to Mr Patels newsagents for 20 B&H smokes, plus a pack of pies and some beers....

Quite when will the fuckwits in the nanny state realise that some people are indolent and as a result fat by nature. 

They are happy that way and no amount of bribes, cajoling, pushing and otherwise spunking away our cash on programs will get them away from watching daytime tv and down to the docs. Hell the payment will be pocketed and go towards adding to the problem.

Spend the money on those who are overweight but who actually want to do something about it.

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