He claims that the muslims will help the economy and do jobs that native Martians won't do. Such as gathering cash crops.
**Saw this and thought of illegal migrant loving ex share dealing criminal Keith Best, when not killing an assistant in a car crash Keith like many ex-political failures makes a cushy living sponging off the state by working in la la quango land.
Rich enough to live far far away from the run down inner city ghettos his policies help create, Keith believes that councils offering services in 40,000 forms of barbarous babble is a plus rather than a hindrance to integration.
Shut away from the crime, drugs and guns brought in along with social breakdown and destruction of our culture, a culture Keith would like to replace with any other culture rather than English.
Still so long as Keith and many many more shady, shifty, duplicitous fuckers who having done fuck all of note end up in government producing meaningless tractor production targets and out of touch with any form of reality.
I guess reading The Guardian and applying for that quango non-job with just being a failed MP/Ex Jailbird/Car crasher which killed his assistant as his only qualifications, really paid off for one fat gin soaked fucker.
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