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Local police making up laws: Plastic glasses in Newport.

Okay now a few days ago I posted about the fuckwittery with regards plastic glasses, the whole post is here:   so I won't bother recapping all of that again.

I have however done a bit of digging and the policy is not law. Thats right, no legal basis what so fucking ever, nothing legal about it other than the heavies in the local plod throwing their weight about at publicans telling them to use plastic glasses.

Backed up by a bunch of former corrupt, lying socialist councillors - thankfully most of these reprehensible scum are now out of office after the last local election - but the plastic glasses fuckwittery remains in force sadly. 

There is nothing illegal in using a glass - as in proper glass made from glass - after 6pm in town and a few pubs have after having a chat with their legal bods told the local police to stick the plastic glasses rules where they put their trunctions when off duty.

I shall be in a few weeks - posting some video interviews on this including one knuckle dragging security type who laughingly claimed it was part of the licensing act. Its not I checked, nothing in local by laws either.

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