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More state snooping.

Is there nothing that this worthless shower of shit won't waste our money on. link

Ministers are considering spending up to £12 billion on a database to monitor and store the internet browsing habits, e-mail and telephone records of everyone in Britain.

GCHQ, the government’s eavesdropping centre, has already been given up to £1 billion to finance the first stage of the project.

So they are already going ahead with the project. You don't put one billion into something just to test the water.

Hundreds of clandestine probes will be installed to monitor customers live on two of the country’s biggest internet and mobile phone providers - thought to be BT and Vodafone. BT has nearly 5m internet customers.

Further details of the new plan will be unveiled next month in the Queen’s speech.

The Home Office stressed no formal decision had been taken but sources said officials had made clear that ministers had agreed “in principle” to the programme.

Yes, in principle they have thrown one billion of our money into snooping into our lives.

Officials claim live monitoring is necessary to fight terrorism and crime. However, critics question whether such a vast system can be kept secure. A total of 57 billion text messages were sent in the UK last year - 1,800 every second.

And we all know how secure HM Govt is with our data. Look here is a fucking idea that will save some 12 billion of taxpayers hard earned money, rather than pay the secret squirrels all that extra cash just type in Google "Gordon Brown is shit."There you go, fucking simple. Hell I even put in a picture, net saving to the tax payers 11 billion quid, minus the billion already pissed away of course.

This is bugger all to do with terrorism and all to do with watching the plebs. They don't really give a flying fuck one way or the other about moslem terrorists, one just has to look at the Tipton Taliban wandering free as jihadist birds after their hols in Club Gitmo as well Al Quada members on the loose in London.

These totalitarian cuntfucks are looking at putting there assorted probosci into the lives of those who they are supposed to work for.


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