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Paul Flynn Mockery.

Commie Paul hates the farmers down on the local collective farm, even making a cheap crass remark about farmers suicides.

He also loves Fidel, having signed this EDM by cuntbubble MP Colin Burgon: link

That this House commends the achievements of Fidel Castro in securing first-class free healthcare and education provision for the people of Cuba despite the 44 year illegal US embargo of the Cuban economy; notes the great strides Cuba has taken during this period in many fields such as biotechnology and sport in both of which Cuba is a world leader; acknowledges the esteem in which Castro is held by the people and leaders of Africa, Asia and Latin America for leading the calls for emancipation of the world's poorest people from slavery, hunger and the denial of human rights such as the right to life, the right to shelter, the right to healthcare and basic medicines and the right to education; welcomes the EU statement that constructive engagement with Cuba at this time is the most responsible course of action; and calls upon the Government to respect Cuba's right to self-determination and resist the aggressive forces within the US Administration who are openly planning their own illegal transition in Cuba.

Nearly 90 worthless turds that shame the title of MP signed the above motion.

He has collapsed in the House of Commons so just a matter of time before the coffin calls.....
He was sued by Endowment Justice and had to issue an apology, I have the link but Mr Flynn has removed the page. Much in the same way Stalin removed people from Soviet history: from the mp's own site his apology, rather a page can not be found message.

He has made a few light remarks about McCains age(he was born 29 August 1936) and in his usual way made out that McCain is some sort of senile duffer at deaths door and in some way not quite with it, yet not mentioned his own health scares or the fact that he is in fact being older being born on 9th Feb. 1935. 

Today he mentions that in recent days he has "been to the funerals of three dear friends", well at his advanced age that happens, people drop off at what appears to be an ever increasing rate.

Were I cruel I could say "Newport is one heartbeat away from a possible by-election..."

Hat tip to Reverse for the pics.

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