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Paul Krugman - An award in the pipeline for blowing on James Gordon Brown.

Nobel-prize-winning economist? Well some chap with a beard called Paul Krugman has been a fawning over Mr Brown spunking away some 500 billion of our pounds, to help a bunch of bankers whos lack of foresight, lack of putting reserves away, lending billions to people/companies who could not pay it back led to them going to the wall and running cap in hand for a bail out.

That boys an gals is the credit crunch in a fucking nutshell, now said banks will carry as before with the same irresponsible lending but with the added joys of the government sticking its oar in and no doubt making matters worse.

Now if I can see this why the fuck can Mr Krugman not? Now as a yank I understand that he will not be entitled to a full knighthood but he can no doubt ponce about when the one eye'd leader no doubt rewards Mr Krugman with an honary one that we award non Brits. 

Still Mr Krugman who has surpassed himself in political cock-suckery has earned it, on his knees and mouth open but he has earned it.

I do wonder if the nobel prize is handed out these days in some lucky dip type draw? The cunt had the nerve to claim that "the current financial crisis proves that the free market just doesn't work."

No, the banks who have been given bugger all restraints on their lending don't work, as has been shown by their huge fiscal losses and our fiscal losses in bailing the cunts out.

I think that I shall put myself forward for the next Nobel economics prize as lets face it if gets awarded to some chap who is known to be anti-Bush and the nobel prize awarding folk have been accused of political bias in the past; also there does not appear to be any real need to actually understand the concept that lending billions to folk who can't pay it back will lead to trouble, so no need to actually understand even basic economics.
Gordon gives Mr Krugman the thumbs up....

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