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Polly Toynbee - firing off cunt wafts...

She was confidently predicting the other year.
A minor slowdown with neither inflation* nor unemployment rising will see Brown's old "no boom or bust" boasts triumph this time next year.
I think that our rich New Labour apparatnik will not be correcting that statement any time soon, still barking mad old MP's like Paul Flynn can think that she is greatest thing ever but most people will realise that the fetid smell is that Polly is in fact talking out of her yeast infected twat...

She delivered another fine cunt waft with this steaming pile aimed at Cameron.
smacks of callow point-scoring, with his five repetitions of "Labour's hopeless" - and it will look even thinner in retrospect in a year's time if Brown has steered through economic rapids without most voters feeling any adverse effect.
Maybe the owners of The Guardian should invest in some major yogurt and sack Polly, then again its just so amusing watching her predictions turn to shit.


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