

The National Debt Clock.

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Chancellor Darling - My review of the "Budget"...

Lets have a look at the details: Fags up - well fucking surprise that, hell if you smoke and think that Labour are going to treat you like a human being then you really do deserve their fiscal fucking, petrol up - that will push up prices unless I miss my guess as costs get passed on, cost of going for a drink up an so more pub closures an folk on the dole - also you just wait until the "13 month holiday" is over, booze an fags as well the fuel will all be going up again., NI going up so under the guise of cutting taxes the fuckers have put up a cross the board tax on us all, an VAT down for just 13 months then back up again in double cunting quick time.

Okay some details on our fiscal ass rapery....
Alcohol duty up 8% from Monday December 1st - HM Treasury

Tobacco duty up 4% from 6PM this evening - HM Treasury

Right so the badger sockpuppet on orders from the mono eye'd unelected leader did his best to hide this one, but fucking hell. How stupid do these utter scum think we are? First off the VAT is cut by 2.5%(but only for a year an a fagend) yet the duty cost is 8% and 4% is going up, and it will be going up again and again and again and again...
An thats the best they can give us, stealth taxes hiden away in temp tax cuts?

Seriously we have just had a fucking off of Labour and no lube was provided.

New Labour - "I want them dead. I want their familys dead. I want their houses burnt to the ground. I want to go there in the middle of the night and piss on the ashes."

3 people have spoken:

Anonymous said...

Perhaps it's me. Perhaps I'm too stupid to understand how this will help anybody out in the long term, other than cripple our Nation for years to come.

But is that actually the extent of the plan from this vile one eyed fuck wit?

If these measures had been proposed by the Tories, Lib Dems, in fact anybody else, I would have come to the same conclusion.

This is madness!

But the fact that yet again it's HIM, That good for nothing, unelected mono eyed no mark, takes me back in history to other vile despots who, when they realised that the game was up for themselves (because that's all that has ever mattered to comrade Brown), they've then purposely and deliberately purposely attempted to shoot their own Nation down in flames..

This man is beneath contempt, as who ever follows him now, is going to be up to their necks in his one eyed spending - and that's just plain evil, but as we have seen time and time again, it's the true mark of this man.


Fidothedog said...

He knows the game is up its just a case of hang on as long as he can before pissing off to the EU.

Anonymous said...

While he knows the game is up, I think he is still kidding himself that he might win.

This is and was trumpeted as a tax cutting budget to stimulate the economy, but where is the shouts about it being a tax raising budget? This is the same usual tactics of Browns, and it is Brown, not Darling, in that he gives x figure and touts it as a cut, but look closer and you'll see it is a tax rise. Where's the front-page outrage?

Twats and fucking arseholes all.