

The National Debt Clock.

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Gordon talks tax cuts.

Really tax cuts is it? Well after 11 years of clawing every damn penny he can out of the public he talks now of tax cuts.

Geee! Wow I am so impressed. 

He has decided to give us some of our own money back to help get us out of recession. Oh please don't do us any favours. 

God, this is why I hate him so much, he squeezes us till the pips pop out the wallet and when he helps ruin the UK economy he decides to throw the serfs a crust.

Well there is a few other things that would help, help even more than a tax cut in the long term.

First off Gordon should go. Seriously just watch the markets leap up at the news, business folk the length of this fair land will cheer in joy at the news.

Oh and if he could take the rest of his worthless shower of shit government with him the better off we would all be.

Gordon Brown a man who makes me so angry I could punch his lights out

2 people have spoken:

Unknown said...

This of course has nothing to do with the fact that we're all plummeting head long into recession, caused by his own dire policies, and as he's only got just over a year, afore he goes to the electrate to ask for five more years (Good God the very thought) he's now making his odious attempt to manipulate the masses.

If anybodies really stupid enough to be taken in by this......

All I can say is - they deserve a cyclopedian government, I wash my fucking hands.

Fidothedog said...

Agreed the stupid, the benefit wallahs who refuse to work will always vote Labour.