

The National Debt Clock.

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I fucking told you so. Immigrants offer and contribute damn near fuck all to the UK.

An so I shall gloat:
The economic benefits from record levels of immigration to Britain are 'small and close to zero', the Lords was told today.

A report by a committee of peers, including two former Chancellors and several former Cabinet ministers, called on ministers to set an 'explicit target range' for immigration and make rules to keep within that limit.

Tory former Cabinet Minister Lord Wakeham said the report by the Economic Affairs Committee, which he chaired, rejected the Government's claim that immigration is needed to prevent labour shortages as 'fundamentally flawed'.

He told peers the Government had said immigrants brought large economic benefits to the UK in boosting economic growth, filling job vacancies that Britons could not or would not do and paying more tax than British-born workers.

Look its quite simple. Mr illegal migrant comes in hanging on the underside of Eurostar, gets himself a young chav bint up the duff and lo and behold a council house shall appear along with benefits galore.

Times that with all the Polish child benefit for invisible children, mad mullahs and Afghani plane hijackers and lest we forget that Afghani skank fucking ho in the half a cunting billion quid house that we all pay for.

Minus the few who come in to actually work and pay their way and of course it works out at damn near zero. 

Gordon Brown a man who makes me so angry I could punch his lights out

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