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James Gordon Brown - Human Vampire by Quentin Lets.

One of the best reviews of the dire one eye'd cuntfuck, without calling unelected PM Gordon a cuntfuck that is; that I have read in a fair while.
Prime Minister Gordon Brown's political stocks continue to rise even though Britain is facing an economic crisis.

Deceit and hypocrisy are as common in politics as in everyday life, but for Labour to suggest Shadow Chancellor George Osborne might undermine the pound by criticising Gordon Brown suggests new depths of political depravity.
A case of shooting the messenger....
  • There is already a run on the pound, which has lost 25 per cent of its value against the dollar and the euro. Trying to pin it on Osborne seems cowardly as well as disgusting.
  • Brown wants complete freedom to do as he pleases during the current economic crisis, even though it's likely that it was his let-it-rip fiscal recklessness which to a large extent caused our worst-of-all-nations fix.
Anything to get the blame off of one James Gordon Brown...
He demands silence from his political opponents, calculating that if his schemes go wrong he can avoid responsibility by saying he had cross-party support.

Brown practised the same dirty politics when pressed by David Cameron on the Baby P tragedy. He said Cameron's questions were politically motivated - in other words, they wouldn't have been asked if the case hadn't happened in a Labour borough, Haringey.
He must know this isn't true. He can't possibly be so cut off from what's going on that he didn't know the whole country was talking about the case. But he refused to withdraw his snide remark. His reaction was: 'This is harmful to me.' So it was OK to accuse Cameron of playing party politics.
Nothing is allowed to mar Brown's new lease of life in which - bafflingly - his poll ratings rise while the country goes down the tubes. He feeds on our distress like a vampire, bursting with energy while others wonder how they and their families will survive.
Well those in local government and/or dependent on the state will vote Labour, even though when the day comes and the money runs out they as well will be thrown out of work.
His trip to Washington for President George W. Bush's G20 economic summit was all for show. Bush wants credit for helping clean up the mess he caused. So does Brown, who also needs to win a general election.

But President-elect Barack Obama wisely kept clear of them - and, we must hope, their attempts to write his new policies.

Brown now hopes Obama will agree to a new G20 summit in London in April. A world-famous new political star with whom he can be photographed again. Thereby fulfilling his greatest dream: that he can demonstrate to the world - not just Britain - that he, and he alone, has the answer to its problems.

All who aspire to public office need to have faith in themselves, but Brown is in a class of his own. And he'll literally say anything to advance himself or keep back others. He pulls more stunts than Gerry Cottle's Circus.

As for his colleagues, aren't they a dismal crew? They were threatening to dump him in order to save their seats. Now the polls have improved, they're in the grip of collective dementia.
Well all except one Paul Flynn MP who from his EDM's and comments about farmers and shotguns would appear to have the genuine dementia.
They can't understand why they're being rewarded for their mistakes but the new prospect of electoral victory drives them mad with excitement.

No one may threaten their fragile dream by questioning the Government's competence. Hence their insane jeering during the Commons questions on Baby P and the pathetic attempts to blame Osborne for the collapsing pound.

Brown is now poised to bribe us with tax cuts and other goodies ('fiscal stimulus', he calls it) before springing a 2009 general election, saying he needs a new mandate to steer us through the troubled waters ahead.
In a word bribes, more national debt. Debt that one not so fine day will have to be paid off. He has added to each of us about £70K of debt. Oh and I see that one Peter Mandelsnake is starting to earn his money for his mono eye'd master by stating the fucking obvious, in that the currency of a fiscally bankrupt nation does not exactly soar in value.
He doesn't care how much he spends - or how much debt he piles up for our children and grandchildren - because its a heads-he-wins, tails-you-lose game.
Gordon Brown a man who makes me so angry I could punch his lights out

3 people have spoken:

Anonymous said...

To not put too fine a point upon it, Broon and Co is pouring billions into the economy just for the short term goal of winning the next election.

Take for instance the money he's giving to the banks. The money is going in and going right back out again in the form of lending which is going to done at 2007 levels. The lending at 2007 levels and the lack of criteria like if the borrower can acutally pay back the loans is what caused the problems we now face.

Rather than forcing the banks to get themselves in shape, they are only prolonging the inevitable as when the money runs out, the problems like the runs of the banks reoccur.

Complete and utter madness.

Fidothedog said...

True if it looks like a bribe and walks like one etc, then it is.

Sadly without stopping banks from irresponsible lending/trading in debt - something that Spanish banks are not allowed to do, thus meaning they have cash left unlike ours - the collapse will happen again.

Anonymous said...

I don't even want to think about the situation if Labour gets back in through these bribes and then the banks collapse again. There won't be any more money to rescue them and we will be well and truely f^cked.

If you think it can't get any worse, It will under Labour.