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New Labour show contempt of troops.

At the Labour party confrence our unelected one eye'd leader said this of the troops:
And we pay special tribute to the heroism of our armed forces, as Des Browne said yesterday - to their service and sacrifice in Iraq and in Afghanistan and in peacekeeping missions around the globe. Quite simply the best armed forces in the world.
And yet they are happy for them to live in poverty

Injured veterans are being refused benefits and are ending up living in poverty because of a loophole in benefit rules, the BBC has learned.

Some veterans who get a pension for their disabilities are being refused income support.

The Royal British Legion believes the issue may affect 60,000 men and women.

The Department for Work and Pensions says the war pension payments have to be taken into account when benefits are being assessed.

Mark Smith, 36, a veteran of the Coldstream Guards, served as a peacekeeper in Bosnia.

There he saw what he called "the disgusting side of life, the disgusting side of war".

"I have nightmares, it leaves me tired, angry and confused."

The nightmares, panic attacks and depression began later, he said.

Mr Smith was diagnosed with post traumatic stress disorder and assessed as 40% disabled.

He was awarded a war pension of £58.04 per week as compensation for his injury.

But when he applied for income support he was told he was already getting too much money.

He said: "Compensation you're entitled to is taken away from you, that's no justice.

"That's no way to treat people who fought for their country."

A letter he received this year states he is entitled to £2,633 arrears for his war pension, but while waiting for the award he got income support.

This was deducted and he actually received £20.10.

Mr Smith said: "It kind of takes away from you everything I'd always believed in.

"I look at my country and I'd do anything for my country, But my country doesn't think I'm worthy."

The Royal British Legion has said the situation is a problem.

Lisa Wise, head of public policy said: "On a day to day level they're surviving on the absolute minimum."

She says veterans feel betrayed. "The government doesn't really care, what they're being paid for is a benefit like any other citizen.

"Not someone who's fought and been injured for their country."

Compare that to the average MP which on top of some 60K a year, has a gold plated index linked pension, claims some £24K a year on second home allowance, claims £400 per month food allowance, claim back their utility bills and has the so called "John Lewis" list so they can furnish their homes at our expense.
Gordon Brown a man who makes me so angry I could punch his lights out

2 people have spoken:

Anonymous said...

I just hope that if and when civil disorder kicks off,and these snivelling cowardly traitors call upon the troops to save thier necks/property/power that the troops realise just who their friends are and just who their enemies really are.

Anonymous said...

Careful, you'll have all the cunts of the blogosphere who you think are your pals lining up to call you a cunt and beating their cunting breasts in faux outrage if you put a dildo in a fucking arseholes hand...