

The National Debt Clock.

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Playing with blogger settings.

The old style has gone along with the old header pic. More adjustments/removals an such like to come.

And now a joke...

How many Labour politicians does it take to change a lightbulb?

Only one.

But the point is the efficiency of these fantastic politicians. In the same space of time taken to change the lightbulb, the rest of the party can simultaneously turn the economy tits up, allow thousands of immigrants into the country and give out half the population's personal details on one CD.


2 people have spoken:

Anonymous said...


It's nice to see that you've come around to our New Labour doctrine, and now advocate on your blog that:

"The people have spoken".

but as yet, I see no red flag. Why is this?

Here at New Labour headquarters, We shall try to make a Socialist of you yet.

Otherwise, after our Mugabe style coups of 2010, you will be deported to Siberia without a moments hesitation.

Anonymous said...

Ansd don't forget that that single person mus be on 150k a year for changing light-bulbs, along with a pension plan worth a million, an expense account at least double the salary, and the job must have been advertised in the Guardian at a cost of 200k.

BTW: If you want any graphics knocking up just let me know.