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Russia threatens West: What will Obama/Obambi do?

The Russian bear is growling, what will President O'Bambi do?

President Dmitry Medvedev says Russia will deploy missiles in its Baltic Sea territory in response to U.S. missile defense plans.

Medvedev says the short-range Iskander missiles will be deployed to the Kaliningrad region which borders NATO members Poland and Lithuania. He has not said how many missiles will be deployed or whether they will be fitted with nuclear warheads.


2 people have spoken:

Anonymous said...

If they unleashed the full hell of nuclear Armageddon on Poland or Lithuania the damage caused could well run into literally hundreds of pounds.

And they might kill that last old bloke just outside Gdansk who hasn't moved to Britain or Ireland (where entire supermarket aisles have been converted to Polish, and I don't mean Mr Sheen) to be an electrician or plumber.

Fidothedog said...

You missed out the rivers full of carp, one of their national dishes(you learn this shit talking to Polish cleaners in work).

Plus all the tourist sites, I mean of course the Nazi death camps that have become a sort of dark Disneyland with a Polish twist.

Oh and the potato harvest. Maybe upto a grand in value.