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The Sun: Double standards re Facebook & dead baby jokes.

The UK tabloid The Sun has had a quiet day news wise, so its make up a shock story time. 

INTERNET sickos who mocked DEAD BABIES were banned last night after protests from grieving mums.

The vile forum on networking website Facebook was called Dead Babies Make Me Laugh.

It had hundreds of members and listed dozens of twisted “jokes”.

Gasp. Sick jokes on the internet! Wow hold the fucking front page.

The Sun then purely in the name of research of course put some of the jokes that it found offensive. Now if they were that offended by the jokes posted by people they refer to as "sickos" they would not have copied them.

Would that be the same "family newspaper" that has nazi goods for sale on its forum?

Would that be the same Sun that employs on David Blunkett MP, who has a place on the board of a company touting for business in ID cards. While at the same time this rag bleats on about the nanny state watching us:link


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