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Anjem Choudary - Uber Islamoturd a vile pig turd of a man.

A member of the "religion of peace" calls for apartheid, here in the UK. I wonder if our bovine faced, kebab eating Home Sec. one Jaqui Smith will accuse him of "anti Islamic activity."

Anjem Choudary called for apartheid in the UK just days after backing the killers in India. And his supporters threatened to unleash “blood on the streets”. Choudary, 41, spoke at a packed public meeting called “Not So Great Britain”. It was held at a council-owned arts centre in Southall, Middlesex, by islam4UK.com – a website he founded with banned hate preacher Omar Bakri Mohammad. 

He branded Britain “filthy”, accused children of being “prostitutes” and demanded Non-muslims wear signs like the Nazis forced on the Jews in WWII. Crazed Choudary said: “In Britain there are 230 rapes every day, that’s 10 per hour. 

Supermarkets are selling poles for little children so they can become prostitutes when they grow up. There’s no comparison between our way of life and theirs.

“In an islamic state, Non-muslims will have to wear a sign to show what they are – it should say Kaffir. We won’t discriminate on height, race or appearance but we will discriminate on faith.” Earlier, Bakri spoke via videophone from Lebanon. One of Choudary’s henchmen at islam4UK, which has close links to banned group al-Muhajiroun, warned: 

“You will know when the muslims have ignited an insurrection when there is blood on the streets of London and New York like there is blood on the streets of Fallujah and Mumbai.”

**Strange how we hear not a peep from the dickheads, the low life pond scum, the uber-filth, the lowest of the fucking low that make up the ranks of New Labour, not a sound from their allies in the unions, not a sound from the anti-racists.

7 people have spoken:

evil g said...

Instead of closing it down, maybe Guantanamo Bay should be turned into a penal colony for folks like this.

Fidothedog said...

We could do, although as someone in favour of free speech I am quite happy for him to expose his vile views to the useful idiots of the left.

Maybe now they will realise quite how dangerous people like him and moslems are.

Anonymous said...

This is what fucks me off too.

If he and his group were white and Christian they would be arrested, no ifs, no buts. Court then jail, and if the law didn't do that, that fat munter Smith would change the laws to accommodate making it easier to jail them.

Fidothedog said...

Agreed, if Nick Griffin said something like that about moslems the lefties, MCB and others would be howling at the moon - and the BBC would be up in arms.

Anonymous said...

zyklon b rings a bell

Unknown said...

Fido, I presume you're following my blog because I oppose the BNP. That's fine.

Just thought I'd answer this though:

You say regarding Choudary, 'Strange how we hear not a peep from the dickheads, the low life pond scum, the uber-filth, the lowest of the fucking low that make up the ranks of New Labour, not a sound from their allies in the unions, not a sound from the anti-racists'.

Well, I know plenty of lefties and anti-racists who are disgusted by him. Take Harry's Place, for example, where you can find Arrest Anjem Choudary Today and Why Hasn’t Anjum Choudhry Been Arrested?

You will find plenty of criticism of Jihadists and Islamists on my blog, including stuff on Al-Muhajiroun here and here.

Where you and I differ is on how to deal with the problem. Treating Muslims and Islam as a monolithic entity and advocating deporting 'non-whites' (albeit now supposedly by consent), as the BNP does, is not the way forward.

I have no interest in seeing my liberal Muslim friends herded onto boats, nor do I consider my 'non-white' friends to be anything other than British, yet they are barred from your party by its Constitution.

And comments like the anonymous one above speak volumes about the real outlook of many who are attracted to the BNP.

Anonymous said...

Edmund Standing

"nor do I consider my 'non-white' friends to be anything other than British, yet they are barred from your party by its Constitution."

The BNP is a political party. We live in a democracy. Living in a democracy means you have the choice to vote for however you want to.

If you and your 'non white' friends want to start a multi-racial patriotic British party then that's fine.

If you feel that the BNP should be banned because it is not 'inclusive' then you must think these should be banned as well?

Watford Asian Community care

Watford African Caribbean Association

National Black Police Association

Metropolitan Black Police Association

Black Londoners Forum

Black Information Link (BLINK)

Operation Black Vote

Federation of Black Housing Organisations (FBHO)

Black Training Enterprise Group

Southwark Black Heritage Organisation

The Action Group for Irish Youth

Asians In Media (AIM)

Barfi Culture (Asians)

Black Britain

Black Enterprise

Black net Community

The Black Presence In Britain

Black Search

Black UK Online

Board Of Deputies of British Jews

Chinatown Online

Clickwalla (Asian)

Dimsum (Chinese)

Doncaster Chinese


Every Generation (Black)


Jewish Telegraph

MMLondon (Asian)

Red Hot Curry (Asian)

National Association of Nigerian Communities - UK (NANC)

Barnsley Black and Ethic Minority Initiative